Users' questions

What ethnicity is Garay?

What ethnicity is Garay?

Garay, de Garay or Garai is a Basque or a Hungarian surname.

Where does the name Leclerc come from?

Leclerc (surname)

Meaning clerk, scribe
Region of origin France
Other names
Variant form(s) Schreiber, Schrieber, Scriver, Schriver, Schriever, Schriewer, Schriefer, Schrijver, Schreber; Scrivener, Shriver; Deák; Clerc, LeClerc, Clark, Clarke, Clarck, Clerck, Klerk, Klerck; Ó Cléirigh; Sofer

What ethnicity is Paik?

Baek (Korean pronunciation: [pɛ̝k̚]), also often spelled Paek, Baik, Paik is a Korean family name. In the year 2000, there were 351,275 people with this surname in South Korea. The word means the color white.

What ethnicity is Melan?

Recorded as Melan, Mellan, Melland, Mealand, Milend, Millan, Milland, Milln, Millen, and others, this is an Anglo-Scottish surname.

What’s the meaning of Garay?

garay [gá. ray.] : rhyme (n.); rime (n.); verse (n.) a rhyme between words in the same line.

What is Garay Bisaya?

Cebuano. n. verse; v. write, read a verse.

Is Leclerc a French name?

French: from le clerc ‘the clerk’, occupational name for a scribe or secretary (see Clerc, Clark). North American spelling variant of Leclair, Leclere.

Is Leclerc a common surname?

How Common Is The Last Name Leclerc? The surname is the 8,215th most commonly occurring last name on earth It is held by approximately 1 in 105,179 people. The last name Leclerc occurs mostly in Europe, where 55 percent of Leclerc reside; 55 percent reside in Western Europe and 55 percent reside in Gallo-Europe.

Which caste is Paik?

The Paik or Paika (Odia:ପାଇକ) is a Militia community, found in Odisha state of India.

How do you pronounce the name Paik in Korean?

Pronunciation: “Paek” is a Korean family name more often written in English as “Paik”. It is pronounced “pack” as in back.

What is the meaning of SEB O?

or sebo- pref. Fat; sebum: sebiferous. [From Latin sēbum, tallow.]

What is the definition of Melan O?

Melano- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “black, dark-colored.” In biology and medicine, melano- is specifically used to refer to melanin, “any of a class of insoluble pigments, found in all forms of animal life, that account for the dark color of skin, hair, fur, scales, feathers, etc.”

Where did Josef Vachal live as a child?

Váchal was the son of Josef Aleš-Lyžec and Anna Váchalová – his parents never married. He was brought up by his grandparents, Jan Aleš and Jana Alešová, in the southern Bohemian town of Písek, where he entered grammar school but left it prematurely.

What’s the oldest birth date for the name Vachal?

The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the name Vachal is Friday, February 24th, 1882.

How many brothers and sisters does Amy Vachal have?

Biography. Amy Lynn Vachal was born on December 8, 1988 to an American father, Richard Vachal, and a Filipina mother, Deirdra Vachal, who is a daughter of Filipino politician, former congressman, and Governor of Cebu, Pablo P. Garcia and Judge Esperanza Fiel-Garcia. She has one older brother, Jake Vachal.

What does the last name Vachal mean in Russian?

Weird things about the name Vachal: The name spelled backwards is Lahcav. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Ahlcav. How do you pronounce that? How many people have the last name Vachal?