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What does the fine tooth comb symbolize?

What does the fine tooth comb symbolize?

Definition of go over/through (something) with a fine-tooth comb. : to examine something very closely The police are going over the evidence with a fine-tooth comb.

What is a toothed comb?

A toothcomb (also tooth comb or dental comb) is a dental structure found in some mammals, comprising a group of front teeth arranged in a manner that facilitates grooming, similar to a hair comb.

Are fine tooth combs bad for hair?

Brushing or combing hair too frequently or in the wrong way (such as using a fine-toothed comb on very thick, curly hair or teasing hair) can lead to breakage. Never comb or brush wet hair, as it is more susceptible to stretching and breaking when wet.

What does fine comb mean?

1 : a comb with close-set teeth used especially for clearing parasites or foreign matter from the hair. 2 : an attitude or system of thorough searching or scrutinizing went over the report with a fine-tooth comb.

What does fine toothed mean?

: to examine something very closely.

Is brush better or a comb?

Incorrect brushing, and using the wrong type of brush, can be taxing on both your strands and your scalp. We recommend using a comb to ease out tangles, followed by a brush for styling.

Which type of comb is best?

Choose the right type of comb. Paddle Brush; a rectangular-head brush that stimulates the blood circulation around your scalp. It is best for medium to long hair and useful for untangling your hair. Quill Brush; an oval-head or round brush that massages your scalp and distributes your natural hair oils.

Does comb cause hair loss?

Does Combing Cause Hair Loss? Combing your hair does not contribute to hair loss if you do it right. Make sure your comb is smooth and of good quality. Combs that feel rough, have chips or even micro-cracks can snag hair, pulling it out, or act like a saw which can create breaks in the hair strand.

Which nit comb is best?

Here are the best lice combs on the market today.

  • Best Overall: Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb.
  • Best Budget: Licemeister Lice & Nit Removal Comb.
  • Best Electric: V-Comb Electric Head Lice Comb.
  • Best for Fine Hair: Fairy Tales Terminator Metal Lice & Nit Comb.
  • Best for Thick Hair: Ownhealer Lice Comb 3-Pack.

What is in the fine print?

The “fine print” is a term that refers to contract terms and conditions, disclosures, or other important information that is not included in the main body of a document but placed in footnotes or a supplemental document. Reading and understanding the fine print is essential when entering into an agreement.

Is finger combing bad for hair?

Aggressive brushing and combing can yank healthy hair from the scalp and split knotty hairs. While finger detangling won’t make your hair grow any faster, it will minimize breakage and keep more hair on your head, possibly helping you to retain length over time.

Is combing your hair backwards bad?

The bad news is that back combing is very bad for your hair. When you lift up those little pieces of cuticle, they never return to their nice flat arrangement, no matter what you do to your hair. Once you remove enough layers of cuticles, your hair shaft will be damaged and you’ll create a split end.

What is the origin of the phrase’fine tooth comb’?

Using a fine tooth comc refers to sampling more individual items for more data and a reliable answer. A comb with teeth fine enough to remove nits, head lice, is sometimes called a “fine- toothed comb”, as in the metaphor. “go over something with a fine-toothed comb”, meaning to search closely and in detail.

Do you examine something with a fine tooth comb?

If you examine something with a fine-tooth comb or with a fine-toothed comb, you examine each small part of it very carefully. I have been through Ed’s personal papers and letters with a fine-tooth comb. We will scrutinise our mistakes with a fine-toothed comb. Note: A fine-tooth comb is a comb with very thin teeth set very close together.

Do you have to go through your thesis with a fine tooth comb?

Very carefully and thoroughly. We need to go through these files with a fine-tooth comb to find that missing paperwork. Make sure to go through your thesis with a fine-tooth comb before you hand it in—you don’t want your advisors wading through proofreading errors, do you? Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Can a fine tooth comb be used for lice?

The fine tooth comb, as used for the removal of lice eggs, is often sold separately as a lice comb. You can also find fine-toothed combs called flea combs for cats and dogs. Even after using a lice shampoo, nits or lice eggs tend to adhere to the hair shaft, and it’s important to try to removed as many as possible.