Users' questions

What does PL 259 connect to?

What does PL 259 connect to?

The PL-259 is also known as a UHF connector with the common male/female variants. The male UHF PL259 is the most common connector used to interconnect equipment and antennas in ham shacks.

What is the difference between PL 259 and so 239?

Typically, the SO-239 (UHF Female/UHF Jack) is installed ON THE RADIO, and the PL-259 (UHF Male/UHF Plug) is installed ON THE CABLE. The two “mate” and are collectively known as a UHF Connection. Shop for our various Coax adaptors and cable connectors!

What connector do CB radios use?

The PL-259 coax connection is the most popular in the CB world. It has a barrel / screw-on type look, as can be seen in the picture below. All CB coax will have a PL-259 connection on at least one end, as this is the standard type of connection that plugs into the back of all CB radios.

What is PL plug?

The full nomenclature of most of the large banana pin style cable connectors with the push-button lock (as opposed to an Acme thread nut) is as follows: PL-xnn where “nn” is a 2-digit number and “x” is” P = straight back shell with solder gland. Q = right-angle back shell with solder gland.

Which is better RG8 vs RG58?

RG8 is a thicker 50 ohm cable, at 12 AWG, that can provide a stronger signal than RG58. It is mainly used for amateur radio. There is also a version called RG8X, which is thinner at 16 AWG but provides similar signal quality.

Are N connectors waterproof?

The N connector (also, type-N connector) is a threaded, weatherproof, medium-size RF connector used to join coaxial cables. It was one of the first connectors capable of carrying microwave-frequency signals, and was invented in the 1940s by Paul Neill of Bell Labs, after whom the connector is named.

Can I use 75 ohm coax for CB?

Sure, you can use 75 ohm coax instead of 50 ohm. In some cases (such as feeding a dipole), 75 ohm coax may be a better match to the load than 50 ohm. In other cases (such as feeding a vertical), it may be a worse match. You may not even need to do additional matching.

What does PL mean in audio?

PL mean that “Peak Limiter” for Audio.