Users' questions

What does Mahayana Theravada mean?

What does Mahayana Theravada mean?

Mahayana Buddhists believe they can achieve enlightenment through following the teachings of the Buddha . Whereas Theravada Buddhists strive to become Arhats and gain freedom from the cycle of samsara, Mahayana Buddhists may choose to stay in the cycle of samsara out of compassion for others.

What are the 4 core types of mindfulness in Buddhism?

What are the Four Foundations of Mindfulness?

  • mindfulness of the body,
  • mindfulness of feelings,
  • mindfulness of mind, and.
  • mindfulness of Dhamma.

Is Dalai Lama Theravada or Mahayana?

The Dalai Lama follows Mahayana Buddhism. This sect has the following features; Bodhisattva- Enlightened people who have deliberately not achieved…

How is Theravada different from Mahayana?

In Theravada Buddhism the main Bodhisattvas is Maitreya. Theravada suggests Bodhisattvas seek enlightenment first before they can help others stuck in Samsara. In Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhisattvas have greater prominence. In Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhisattvas have greater prominence.

What do you need to know about Mahayana Buddhism?

The Buddha in Mahayana is eternally present in a pantheon of buddhas, bodhisattvas, and enlightened beings who can be called on for support. Like the Theravada, the Mahayana schools teach practitioners to cultivate the paramitas (Pali, paramis), qualities such as generosity, morality, patience, concentration, and wisdom.

When did dhammavuddho establish the Vihara Buddha Gotama?

In 1998, through donations collected by his supporters, a 15-acre piece of land outside Temoh, in Perak, was purchased to establish the Vihara Buddha Gotama. Luangpor Dhammavuddho stayed in this rock cave in Penang Hill for the 3 months Vassa of 1987, and again from the end of 1989 until the middle of 1997.

Which is the fastest way to enlightenment Vajrayana or Mahayana?

Although Vajrayana shares with the Mahayana schools generally the view that we are already perfected and can awaken in a single lifetime, Vajrayana considers itself the fastest way to enlightenment. Its canon consists of texts known as the Kangyur (sutras and tantras considered to be the words of the Buddha) and the Tengyur (commentaries).

Which is the best description of Vajrayana Buddhism?

Vajrayana, a form of Mahayana that draws upon on esoteric Indian texts called tantras, settled in Tibet and the Himalayan region, and to some extent in Japan, in the Shingon and Tendai traditions. What is Vajrayana Buddhism?