What does it mean to vilify someone?
What does it mean to vilify someone?
transitive verb. 1 : to utter slanderous and abusive statements against : defame. 2 : to lower in estimation or importance.
What does to revere mean?
Verb. revere, reverence, venerate, worship, adore mean to honor and admire profoundly and respectfully.
What does Impous mean?
: not pious : lacking in reverence or proper respect (as for God or one’s parents) : irreverent.
What does Excitate mean?
: excitement especially : the disturbed or altered condition resulting from stimulation of an individual, organ, tissue, or cell.
How do you vilify someone?
To vilify someone is to spread nasty stories about them, whether true or not. The verb vilify comes from the same root as the word vile and is a negative word if ever there was one! One way to remember the word is to think about how it sounds — like the word villain (which is unrelated and comes from villa).
What does Villainizing mean?
: vilify. intransitive verb. : to play the role of a villain.
What is a rebirth?
1a : a new or second birth : metempsychosis. b : spiritual regeneration. 2 : renaissance, revival a rebirth of nationalism.
How do you use the word Revere?
Revere in a Sentence ?
- Many people from India are Hindu, and so they do not eat beef because they revere the cow as a sacred object.
- It wasn’t so long ago that parents taught their children to revere their teachers, but these days it’s hard to find any respect in the classroom.
What does the unholy mean?
1 : showing disregard for what is holy : wicked. 2 : deserving of censure an unholy alliance. 3 : very unpleasant : god-awful an unholy mess.
What is a improvident?
: not provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future.
What does exudation mean?
Definitions of exudation. the process of exuding; the slow escape of liquids from blood vessels through pores or breaks in the cell membranes. synonyms: transudation. type of: ooze, oozing, seepage.
What is excitation in psychology?
n. the electrical activity elicited in a neuron or muscle cell in response to an external stimulus, specifically the propagation of an action potential.
What is the meaning of the word Edifier?
To instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement. [Middle English edifien, from Old French edifier, from Late Latin aedificāre, to instruct spiritually, from Latin, to build; see edifice .]
Which is the best definition of the word Defier?
Definition of defier : one that defies a defier of convention Examples of defier in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Evan Turk’s provocative and emotive illustrations, portraits within this portrait, bring swirling movement and feeling to the story of this defier and definer of the times.
What does it mean to be a defier of authority?
— BostonGlobe.com, 22 Apr. 2021 Everybody enjoys being thought of as a scofflaw, or a hell-raiser, or defier of authority, especially if such activity happened in the past. — Karen Martin, Arkansas Online, 29 Nov. 2020
Which is part of the family of age Defiers?
— Michael Rosenberg, SI.com, 2 Feb. 2018 The Ordinary’s Granactive Retinoid* 2% Emulsion ($9.80) is a retinoid active, part of the family of age- defiers that helps reduce wrinkles. — Macaela Mackenzie, Allure, 26 Jan. 2018