Users' questions

What does it mean to be well intentioned?

What does it mean to be well intentioned?

well-intentioned. adjective (well intentioned when postpositive) having or indicating benevolent intentions, usually with unfortunate results.

What is another word for well intended?

What is another word for well-intentioned?

benevolent goodhearted
kindly benign
well-meaning well-meant
good faith sincere
credible pure

Is well intentioned an adjective?

WELL-INTENTIONED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What word or phrase can be used to describe someone who has great intentions?

What is another word for good intention?

kindness generosity
altruism amiability
consideration decency
helpfulness magnanimity
thoughtfulness unselfishness

Are well informed?

If you say that someone is well-informed, you mean that they know a lot about many different subjects or about one particular subject.

What does well credentialed mean?

1. That which entitles one to confidence, credit, or authority. 2. credentials Evidence or testimonials concerning one’s right to credit, confidence, or authority: The new ambassador presented her credentials to the president.

Are u well-meaning?

1 often used in combination in a satisfactory manner. the party went very well. 2 often used in combination in a good, skilful, or pleasing manner.

How do you say good intentions?

synonyms for good intention

  1. forbearance.
  2. gentleness.
  3. goodness.
  4. humanity.
  5. solicitude.
  6. sympathy.
  7. tenderness.
  8. tolerance.

What are some good intentions to set?

To get you started, here are some examples of clear intentions you can set:

  • I intend to lead by example.
  • I intend to love unconditionally.
  • I intend to stop taking things personally.
  • I intend to manifest happiness naturally.
  • I intend to see the goodness around me.
  • I intend to be kind even when under pressure.

How do I get well informed?

Here are some ideas:

  1. Firstly, approach the information coming at you critically.
  2. Break out of your filter bubble by consciously seeking out different points of view.
  3. Question the things you already believe.
  4. Understand that facts change as we find more evidence.
  5. Always take the time to think things through.

How do you become a well informed person?

8 Little Ways to Become a More Well-Rounded Person

  1. Subscribe to a daily newspaper.
  2. Read for 20 minutes a day.
  3. Multi-task on your commute to work.
  4. Listen and learn.
  5. Sign up for a class.
  6. Attend local events.
  7. Visit museums and cultural centers.
  8. Venture outside your comfort zone.

Which is the best definition of well intentioned?

Definition of ‘well-intentioned’. well-intentioned. If you say that a person or their actions are well-intentioned, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems.

What does it mean to have good intentions?

Marked by or having good intentions: a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter; well-intentioned criticism. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Can a well intentioned person make a mistake?

Well-intentioned people make mistakes, lots of them. Mistakes must be expected and being held accountable has to be expected as well. The points below outline some of the common behaviors that show up often in social justice conversations.

What did well intended mean in the 1800s?

These outcomes do not suggest that “well-intentioned” was understood in the early 1800s to refer only to animate things, but they do suggest that “well-intended” was understood to apply only to inanimate things.