What does convalescence period mean?
What does convalescence period mean?
Convalescence is the period in which the body recovers from a serious illness, injury or surgery. Changes to your lifestyle may be needed to make sure the body has enough time and rest to allow a complete recovery.
What do you mean by convalescence?
When you convalesce, you heal or grow strong after illness or injury, often by staying off your feet. (The related adjective convalescent means “recovering from sickness or debility,” and a “convalescent home” is a hospital for long-term recuperation and rehabilitation.)
What happens during convalescence?
Convalescence is the gradual recovery of health and strength after illness or injury. It refers to the later stage of an infectious disease or illness when the patient recovers and returns to previous health, but may continue to be a source of infection to others even if feeling better.
What’s a convalescent person?
As a noun, a convalescent is a person who is recovering from being sick. The origin of convalescent is the Latin root valescere, which means “to begin to grow strong.” Definitions of convalescent. adjective. returning to health after illness or debility.
What does blandishments mean in English?
: something that tends to coax or cajole : allurement —often used in plural … refuses to yield to their blandishments …—
What are the signs and symptoms of convalescence stage?
The prodromal period occurs after the incubation period. During this phase, the pathogen continues to multiply and the host begins to experience general signs and symptoms of illness, which typically result from activation of the immune system, such as fever, pain, soreness, swelling, or inflammation.
What garble means?
transitive verb. 1a : to so alter or distort as to create a wrong impression or change the meaning garble a story. b : to introduce textual error into (a message) by inaccurate encipherment, transmission, or decipherment. 2 : to sift impurities from. 3 archaic : cull sense 1.
What should I eat during convalescence?
diet. Flour, oatmeal and rice are given as toast, bread, milk puddings and plain cakes but not mixed with large quantities of fat, fruit and sugar as rich puddings, cakes or pastry. alimentary tract. Fruit is one of the last of the foods to appear on the menu of the convalescent- and then sparingly.
What is convalescence benefit?
What is Convalescence Benefit? Convalescence is the name for the period of recovery from an illness or injury. Health Insurance providers do have provisions for your recuperating period, but due to lack of knowledge, many times this Convalescence Benefit goes unclaimed.
What is the difference between sick and convalescent?
The person who is sick is seeking recovery from his illness; the convalescent is seeking to regain his health.
What is the signs and symptoms of convalescent stage?
What are examples of blandishments?
Blandishment meaning The definition of blandishment is the use of flattery to get something or to get someone to do something. An example of a blandishment is telling a friend how beautiful she is in order to entice her to buy your movie ticket. The act of blandishing; cajolery.
How is the word convalescence used in a sentence?
convalescence definition: The definition of convalescence is a gradual healing process or a time of rest and relaxation, usually after an illness. (noun) When you go to a nursing home for a period of rest and rehab after you have suffered from a stroke, this.
Which is an example of a convalesce facility?
Recent Examples on the Web Home hospitalization could be an option for convalescing patients who might otherwise be sent to a post-acute care center such as a skilled nursing home or an inpatient rehab facility.
Is there a difference between convalescence and death?
1. convalescence is, however, generally slow, and recovery may be imperfect – the disease continuing in a chronic form, which may exist for a variable length of time, giving rise to much suffering, and not unfrequently leading to an ultimately fatal result. 2.
Are there any tickets for the convalescence concert?
The Convalescence is proud to announce a one night only screening of The Convalescence “The Making Of Monument Of Misery” Documentary, Several Music Videos, and a full The Convalescence Concert made up of footage from shows around the world over the past two years! Tickets are available at the following link: 6.