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What are white spaces in XML?

What are white spaces in XML?

In XML documents, there are two types of whitespace: Significant whitespace is part of the document content and should be preserved. Insignificant whitespace is used when editing XML documents for readability. These whitespaces are typically not intended for inclusion in the delivery of the document.

Does XML care about white space?

No, the XML spec define whitespace like this: In editing XML documents, it is often convenient to use “white space” (spaces, tabs, and blank lines) to set apart the markup for greater readability. Such white space is typically not intended for inclusion in the delivered version of the document.

How do I create a white space in XML?

Insert directly in the XML for a blank you would like to preserve. Android doesn’t support keeping the spaces at the end of the string in String. xml file so if you want space after string you need to use this unicode in between the words.

Are spaces allowed in XML?

Summary: Whitespace characters are not permitted in XML element or attribute names.

Which is not a XML function?

Which of the following is not a function of XML ? Transport Information. Question 4 Explanation: XML was created to structure, store, and transport information.

Is it easier to process XML than HTML?

Yes, XML is easier to process XML than HTML. XML is extensible because it is not a fixed format like HTML. It is easy to write programs which process XML document.

Do line breaks matter in XML?

XML does not require a specific form of line break, so you can use whatever is convenient (carriage return, linefeed, or a combination) when creating an XML file. XML parsers will do the right thing largely because they’re parsing on tags, not records – so whatever line break you’re using is just whitespace to XML.

How do you put a space in an XML tag?

XML provides a built-in attribute named xml:space , which takes a value of “preserve” or “default”. The value “preserve” specifies that whitespace in an element should be preserved.

Can we frame our own XML tags?

We can frame our own XML tags. XML is designed to self-destructive. XML is designed to replace HTML. XML was designed to transport and store data whereas HTML was designed to display data.

What is so good about XML?

In XML, data and markup is stored as text that you yourself can configure. If you like, you can use XML editors, as we’ll see, to create XML documents. The data is also not encoded in some way that has been patented or copyrighted, which some formats are, so it’s more accessible.

What is line break in XML?

A newline (aka line break or end-of-line, EOL) is special character or character sequence that marks the end of a line of text.

When should I use XML?

By using XML, Web agents and robots (programs that automate Web searches or other tasks) are more efficient and produce more useful results. General applications: XML provides a standard method to access information, making it easier for applications and devices of all kinds to use, store, transmit, and display data.