Users' questions

What are the drug laws in Maryland?

What are the drug laws in Maryland?

Maryland has decriminalized the possession of marijuana, making possession of small amounts (less than 10 grams) a civil offense on par with a moving violation. Possession of other drugs can lead to severe penalties, depending on the amounts and whether intent to distribute is established.

Is possession a felony in Maryland?

Penalties of Drug Possession in Maryland In Maryland, a person who is found to be in possession of any drug other than marijuana faces a felony charge. A conviction of drug possession can carry a potential prison sentence of four years, and it can carry a fine of up to $25,000.

Is selling drugs a felony in Maryland?

Maryland Law Imposes Stiff Penalties for Drug Convictions The penalties in Maryland for selling, distributing, or manufacturing drugs are even harsher than those for possession. These offenses are felonies.

How are drug possession laws written in Maryland?

Maryland drug possession laws are actually relatively simple, as written in the criminal statutes. But while this makes them easy to understand, it also makes them potentially more damaging. Unlike some states, Maryland law doesn’t prescribe a certain sentence for a certain amount of drugs.

Is it illegal to have marijuana in Maryland?

Maryland has decriminalized the possession of marijuana, making possession of small amounts (less than 10 grams) a civil offense on par with a moving violation. Possession of other drugs can lead to severe penalties, depending on the amounts and whether intent to distribute is established.

What’s the penalty for possession of LSD in Maryland?

LSD, PCP, and other hallucinogenics – Up to 20 years in prison and/or fine of up to $20,000. Mandatory minimum five-year prison sentence and a fine of up to $100,000 for possession of the following amounts ( § 5-612 ): Less than 10 g – Civil offense; $100 fine (2nd offense: $250 fine; 3rd or subsequent offense: $500 fine).

What’s the punishment for possession of a controlled substance?

Possession of any controlled substances besides marijuana (any amount) is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000. The actual charge and penalties upon conviction are generally based on the amount of a given drug and the defendant’s criminal record.