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Is there else if in COBOL?

Is there else if in COBOL?

1 Answer. There is no (standard) else-if statement in COBOL. In most cases where you have multiple branches EVALUATE TRUE with WHEN condition-1 WHEN condition-2 […] END-EVALUATE is what you want to use – and in cases like your sample you can do EVALUATE pet WHEN ‘dog’ …

What is not equal to in COBOL?

Conditional Expressions Statements in COBOL program executed one after another….

Relational operator Can be written as Meaning of operator
IS NOT LESS THAN IS NOT < Not less than
IS EQUAL TO IS = Equal to
IS NOT EQUAL TO IS NOT = Not equal to
IS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO IS >= Is greater than or equal to

What is nested IF statement in COBOL?

NESTED IF: – IF statement coded within another IF statement called as NESTED IF statement.

What is conditional statement in COBOL?

Depending on certain conditions specified by the programmer, conditional statements are used to change the execution flow. The output is always given in true or false by a conditional statement. COBOL contains various types of conditional statements: If condition statement.

Is equal to spaces in COBOL?

If a field contains either SPACES or LOW-VALUES in numeric data in the COBOL files, instruct the system to represent it as either a NULL or a zero….Numeric Input.

If the numeric type is … LOW-VALUES is equal to … SPACES is equal to …

What is end if COBOL?

IF statement checks for conditions. If a condition is true, the IF block is executed; and if the condition is false, the ELSE block is executed. END-IF is used to end the IF block. To end the IF block, a period can be used instead of END-IF.

Is numeric check in COBOL?

the numeric class check is only valid on pic 9 display and packed-decimal type fields. anytime you use reference modification, the field type is automatically x – alphanumeric. │ one or more signed elementary items. so you can do NUMERIC test on a group as long as none of the elementary items are defined as S9…

What is 88 level used for in COBOL?

Level-number 88 designates a condition-name entry. Level 88s are used to assign names to values at execution time. Thus, a condition-name is not the name of an item, but rather the name of a value. A level 88 doesn’t reserve any storage area.

What is on size error in COBOL?

In Visual COBOL, the ON SIZE ERROR condition exists when the value resulting from an arithmetic operation exceeds the capacity of the specified picture-string. In RM/COBOL, the ON SIZE ERROR condition exists when the value resulting from an arithmetic operation exceeds the capacity for the associated data item.

What is if else if else statement?

The if/else if statement allows you to create a chain of if statements. The if statements are evaluated in order until one of the if expressions is true or the end of the if/else if chain is reached. If the end of the if/else if chain is reached without a true expression, no code blocks are executed.

What does spaces mean in COBOL?

SPACE, SPACES. Represents one or more blanks or spaces. SPACE is treated as an alphanumeric literal when used in a context that requires an alphanumeric character, as a DBCS literal when used in a context that requires a DBCS character, and as a national literal when used in a context that requires a national character …

How do you inspect in COBOL?

The INSPECT statement can be used to tally the number of occurrences of specific character strings, to replace characters by other characters, or to convert from one set of characters to another including UPPERCASE TO LOWERCASE and vice versa. The INSPECT verb has two options, TALLYING and REPLACING.

Why to use else if?

If-else statements is used to control the flow of a program. The if statement test a condition and if the condition is true, the if statement block will execute. The else statement will execute if an if condition is not true. The elseif statement is used to form chains of conditions.

What does IF ELSE statements mean?

If else. An if else statement in programming is a conditional statement that runs a different set of statements depending on whether an expression is true or false. A typical if else statement would appear similar to the one below (this example is JavaScript, and would be very similar in other C-style languages).

What are looping statements used for in COBOL?

The loop statements used in COBOL are − Perform Thru is used to execute a series of paragraph by giving the first and last paragraph names in the sequence. After executing the last paragraph, the control is returned back. Statements inside the PERFORM will be executed till END-PERFORM is reached.

What is cancel statement in COBOL?

CANCEL Statement in cobol. The CANCEL command is used when you are calling a subprogram dynamically.When u issue cancel command after a dynamic call to subprogram,it will refresh or reset all the parameters that got updated in subprogram.