Users' questions

Is there a way to get free audio books?

Is there a way to get free audio books?

1. Librivox. Librivox is a non-profit initiative to record public domain books and release them as free audiobooks. You can even volunteer to read sections for books-in-progress!

Is Game of Thrones on audiobook?

Audible Audiobook – Unabridged.

How many Game of Thrones audiobooks are there?

He began the first volume of the series, A Game of Thrones, in 1991, and it was published in 1996. Martin, who initially envisioned the series as a trilogy, has published five out of a planned seven volumes….Overview.

Title A Game of Thrones
Chapters 73
Words 292,727
Audio 33 h 53 min
US release August 1996

How do I get full audiobooks on Audible?


  1. Open the Audible app and sign in.
  2. Go to Library.
  3. Tap Titles then tap All.
  4. Tap on the cover art of the audiobook you would like to download.
  5. The title will start to download. Note: For titles broken into multiple parts, first tap on the name of the audiobook to expand the selection to show each individual part.

What is the best app for free audio books?

Free audiobook apps

  • Loyal Books. Loyal Books has a wide collection of free audiobooks in the public domain.
  • Overdrive. Overdrive is another audiobook app to use through your library.
  • Audible.
  • Downpour.
  • eStories.
  • Sribd.

Is audible free with Prime?

An Audible membership does not come free with Amazon Prime, but while it requires a separate subscription, Prime members do stand to get discounted pricing on membership. A number of Audible books are free with your Prime membership, though the list of titles is small compared to the entire Audible library.

Why audiobooks are so expensive?

Well, the basic reason why audiobooks are so expensive is attributed to their production cost, which is often very high. On an average, the ‘cost per finished hour’ of an audiobook is about $300 to $400. This can increase the ‘cost per finished hour’ of the audiobook to as high as $1500 or even more.

What is the best audio book app?

Best audiobook apps in 2021

  1. Audible (Android, iOS: $17.95/month)
  2. (Android, iOS: $14.95/month)
  3. Realm (Android, iOS: Free)
  4. Google Play Books (Android, iOS: Free)
  5. Kobo Books (Android, iOS: Free)
  6. Bookmobile (iOS: $3.99)
  7. Smart AudioBook Player (Android: $1.99)
  8. Listen Audiobook Player (Android: $1.99)

Is LibriVox legal?

LibriVox recordings are Public Domain in the USA. If you are not in the USA, please verify the copyright status of these works in your own country before downloading, otherwise you may be violating copyright laws.