Users' questions

How much drainage is normal after surgery?

How much drainage is normal after surgery?

The amount of serosanguineous fluid should decrease each day and the color of the fluid will turn light pink or light yellow. Your surgeon will usually remove the bulb when drainage is below 25 ml per day for two days in a row. On average, JP drains can continue to drain for 1 to 5 weeks.

Is it normal to have some drainage after surgery?

A fresh wound should drain more than one that is healing properly. If you’ve had surgery, a little serous or sanguineous drainage from the incision is normal. However, excessive bleeding could mean a blood vessel was injured during the operation.

How much fluid should drain after breast surgery?

You will have the drain(s) for at least 5 days and up to 3 weeks. Your drain will come out when the drainage is less than 30 millilitres (just over 2 tablespoons) in 24 hours for 2 days in a row. A nurse can remove your drain. You may take pain medication 30 to 60 minutes before the drain is removed.

How long does drainage last after abdominal surgery?

It is not uncommon to keep the drain in from 7 days to 3 weeks depending on the amount of drainage you have. You also need to “milk” the drains several times a day to keep clots from closing up the drainage holes. Instructions on how to do this can be found later in the post-operative care instructions.

What color should drainage be after surgery?

The amount of fluid collected by the drain is related to the extent of the surgical procedure. This means, the more extensive the procedure, the more fluid is produced. The color of the fluid usually begins as cranberry (blood tinged) and as the days after surgery go by, the color becomes pink or yellow.

How do you stop drainage after surgery?

How do you change the dressing around your surgical drain?

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  2. Take off the dressing from around the drain.
  3. Clean the drain site and the skin around it with soap and water. Use gauze or a cotton swab.
  4. When the site is dry, put on a new dressing.
  5. Wash your hands again with soap and water.

What color is serous drainage?

Serous drainage is composed mainly of plasma. It is often thin and watery and will usually have a clear to yellowish or brownish appearance. Small amounts of serous drainage are normal during the first stages of healing.

What happens if a surgical drain is removed too soon?

If they are removed too early you could get a build-up of fluid around your operation site. If they are left in for too long, there is an increased risk of infection. Will you feel any pain? You may feel discomfort around the drain site and may need pain medication to help ease this.

When should drainage stop after surgery?

Generally, drains should be removed once the drainage has stopped or becomes less than about 25 ml/day. Drains can be ‘shortened’ by withdrawing them gradually (typically by 2 cm per day) and so, in theory, allowing the site to heal gradually.

Does it hurt to remove drainage tubes?

Having a drain removed usually does not hurt, but it can feel rather odd as the tubing slides out of the body. The incision is then covered with a dressing or left open to the air. Stitches are usually not needed, but you should avoid swimming or soaking in a tub for two days.

What happens if surgical drains are removed too soon?

Where does a hemovac drain go after surgery?

Hemovac drain. A Hemovac drain is placed under your skin during surgery. This drain removes any blood or other fluids that might build up in this area. You can go home with the drain still in place.

How do you clean a hemovac drain plug?

Pour the fluid into a measuring cup. Clean the plug with an alcohol swab or a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol. Squeeze the drain flat and put the plug back in. The drain should stay flat until it starts to fill with fluid again. Make sure the tubing is not kinked or twisted.

What kind of care do you need for hemovac?

A great nursing care is required to keep the dressing clean and sterile. The dressing should be changed after appropriate time and the drain should also be cleaned time to time to avoid any kind of infections. Nursing care is also required to remove the hemovac drain and clean it.

What should I do if my hemovac container expands?

The Hemovac container will expand. DO NOT let the stopper or the top of the spout touch anything. If it does, clean the stopper with alcohol. Pour all of the liquid from the container into the measuring cup. You may need to turn the container over 2 or 3 times so that all the fluid comes out.