Users' questions

How do you write a dormant account letter?

How do you write a dormant account letter?

Sir/Madam, I, _________ (Your Name) holding an account in your branch. My account number is ________(Account Number). I was not using this account due to ________ (reason for not using the account) reason, due to which my account has become _________ (dormant/inactive).

How do I write a letter to reactivate my dormant bank account?

I request your Bank to kindly reactivate my account so that I can continuously transact the same and follow the standard procedure. I hereby attached the Passbook and other required documents to activate it and print-out the latest statement.

What is a dormant letter?

A dormant account is an account that has had no financial activity for a long period of time, except for the posting of interest. Financial institutions are required by state laws to transfer resources held in dormant accounts to the state’s treasury after the accounts have been dormant for a certain period of time.

How do I activate my dormant account?

Activate Dormant Account

  1. Step1. Visit the branch and submit written application with your signature a sper operating instructions in the account.
  2. Step2. Submit self-attested proof of identity and address.
  3. Step3. Initiate any transaction and your account will be activated once again.

How to request a reactivation of a dormant account?

In case, you are interested to maintain that account, then you have to file a reactivation request with the bank either in the format prescribed by the bank or through submission of a physical letter. You may use the following template to write such a request letter to the bank. Date: ……………….

When does a dormant bank account become inactive?

An account will be declared inactive by the bank if there is no transaction in the account for the duration of 1 year. An account is not declared dormant if there is any account holder-induced transaction. This includes: The bank will contact the account holder and alert him about there being no transactions of the account.

Do you need to send a letter to a dormant account?

Some states require a written notice to be mailed. So if we meet E-SIGN requirements would that supersede state requirements? Would CAN-SPAM Act also need to be considered as not being in violation since it talks about “notification of a change in the recipient’s standing or status”?

How can I lower the number of dormant checking and savings accounts?

In an attempt to lower the number of dormant checking and savings accounts on our books due to inactivity, we are wanting to send a letter encouraging such customers to use / close those accounts. Does anyone have a customer letter regarding dormant or inactive status accounts that they would be willing to share?