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How do you use irreversible in a sentence?

How do you use irreversible in a sentence?

If a change is irreversible, things cannot be changed back to the way they were before. She could suffer irreversible brain damage if she is not treated within seven days. The reforms are irreversible. Television has irreversibly changed our perception of the Royal Family.

How do you use torpor in a sentence?

Torpor in a Sentence ?

  1. After overeating on Christmas, I fell into a satisfied torpor.
  2. Hopefully the stock market will rise from its torpor and reach a year-end high.
  3. If my husband does not come out of his torpor and get a job, I will divorce him.
  4. Many voters are in political torpor and rarely go to the polls.

What does tirade mean in a sentence?

: a protracted speech usually marked by intemperate, vituperative, or harshly censorious language. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About tirade.

How do you use rebuke in a sentence?

Rebuke sentence example

  1. It was unfair to punish him, but his rebuke still stung.
  2. Even one second of tardiness to the biology lab would earn one a stern rebuke .
  3. Thus he paves the way for his tardy rebuke of present disorders, which he reserves until two-thirds of his epistle is completed.

What type of word is irreversible?

Incapable of being reversed or turned about or back; incapable of being made to run backward; as, an irreversible engine. Incapable of being reversed, recalled, repealed, or annulled; as, an irreversible sentence or decree.

Whats does irreversible mean?

Medical Definition of irreversible : incapable of being reversed : not reversible an irreversible medical procedure : as. a : impossible to make run or take place backward irreversible chemical syntheses.

What is a supposition in grammar?

In grammar, a supposition is a belief that is rooted in conjecture and may not be certain.

What is the meaning of languorously?

languid, languorous, lackadaisical, listless, spiritless mean lacking energy or enthusiasm. languid refers to an unwillingness or inability to exert oneself due to fatigue or physical weakness.

What is a tirade called?

Definitions of tirade. a speech of violent denunciation. synonyms: broadside, philippic. type of: denouncement, denunciation.

What is an angry tirade?

countable noun. A tirade is a long angry speech in which someone criticizes a person or thing.

What is to rebuke someone?

Verb. reprove, rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reproach, chide mean to criticize adversely. reprove implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault. gently reproved my table manners rebuke suggests a sharp or stern reproof.

What is an example of rebuke?

Rebuke is defined as to scold, blame or criticize in a sharp way. An example of rebuke is a parent yelling at a child for not keeping up with them while walking.

Which is an example of a tirade in a sentence?

Prev Word Next Word. Definition of Tirade. a long and angry speech. Examples of Tirade in a sentence. Because Carrie is normally a laidback person, she shocked everyone with her tirade. ?. The police arrested my Uncle Jack after he refused to end his tirade outside the courthouse. ?.

What was the tirade in the walls of Jericho?

The Walls of Jericho being a long, preachy and rather foolish tirade against a game of cards, my apparent digression is necessary. In the midst of this tirade one of them drew a revolver and fired point-blank at the Russian. It had a tirade also about the scarlet woman and Popish idolatry.

What was the name of the school district that Stokes tirade against?

Stokes’ cellphone video recording of the profane and racist tirade in January is now at the center of a legal claim that charges the Palmdale School District with defamation, negligence, civil rights violations and infliction of emotional distress.