Users' questions

How do you plot a thick line in Matlab?

How do you plot a thick line in Matlab?

Specify the line width by setting the “LineWidth” property a name-value pair.

  1. plot(x1,y1,’LineWidth’,5)
  2. hold on.
  3. plot(x2,y2,’LineWidth’,10)
  4. hold off.

What does LineWidth mean in Matlab?

line width
Introduction to Matlab LineWidth. There are the various operations of lines in Matlab in which line width is one of the operations. Line width is used to adjust (increase) the width of any object. Line width operation mostly executes inside the plot operation. By default, the line width size is ‘1’ in Matlab.

How do you plot a 2d graph in Matlab?

plot( Y ) creates a 2-D line plot of the data in Y versus the index of each value. If Y is a vector, then the x-axis scale ranges from 1 to length(Y) . If Y is a matrix, then the plot function plots the columns of Y versus their row number. The x-axis scale ranges from 1 to the number of rows in Y .

How do I plot in Matlab?

MATLAB – Plotting

  1. Define x, by specifying the range of values for the variable x, for which the function is to be plotted.
  2. Define the function, y = f(x)
  3. Call the plot command, as plot(x, y)

What should the width of a MATLAB plot be?

The plot above uses the default MATLAB line width of 0.5 points. Here’s where I have to wave my hands a little. Because of the way the figure above was captured for display in your browser, the lines probably appear a little thicker than 0.5 points. On a high resolution display, however, the plotted lines are pretty close to 0.5 points thick.

How to make your plot lines thicker with MATLAB?

In my blog post “Create Publishable Graphics with MATLAB” I recommend using 0.6 pt for the axes and 0.75 pt for the lines, applying the golden rule that plots look more professional if lines a slightly thicker than axes. Default line thickness for both is 0.5 pt, which I believe is a bit thin (not only for us >50 year olds). This cannot be undone.

Which is the line width operation in MATLAB?

Line width operation mostly executes inside the plot operation. Plot operation is used to plot the input and output in a graphical way. We can increase the width of an object to any extent. By default, the line width size is ‘1’ in Matlab.

How to plot sine function in MATLAB linespec?

You indicate the line styles, markers, and colors you want to display, detailed in the following tables: -. ‘.’ Plot the sine function over three different ranges using different line styles, colors, and markers. Create a plot illustrating how to set line properties.