Users' questions

How do you install Minecraft RCON?

How do you install Minecraft RCON?


  1. On the Config Files page, select Server Settings.
  2. Locate the option called enable-rcon (usually found at the bottom of the page) and change the value of the textbox next to it to true.

What is RCON for Minecraft?

RCON is a protocol that allows server administrators to remotely execute Minecraft commands. Introduced in 1.9pre4, it’s basically an implementation of the Source RCON protocol for Minecraft.

How do you use RCON?

How to use RCON (Admin commands) Print

  1. Start up CS:GO.
  2. Turn on your console by going to Options > Advanced -> Enable developer console.
  3. Join your server.
  4. Open the console. ( Normally the ¬ or ` key, to the left of “1”)
  5. Type: rcon_password youradminpasswordhere, and press enter.

What are RCON commands?

RCON Commands

  • /rcon say
  • /rcon svsay
  • /rcon map_restart.
  • /rcon status.
  • /rcon clientkick
  • /rcon kick
  • /rcon addIP
  • /rcon removeIP

What are the types of Minecraft servers?

Each server on the list has a unique IP address only through which players can connect and play the game on that server. The list of Minecraft servers is inexhaustible and comprises servers such as IniziCraft, Silent Survival, Happy Hunger Games Network, ZeldaCraft, OreCraft Network, Nojang, AztecMC, The CuBe, and Semi Vanilla.

What does Ram do in Minecraft servers?

The Basics – RAM (Memory) Every Minecraft server has some RAM amount allocated to it which will affect almost every aspect of your server’s performance. The general rule is that the more RAM you have, the more players, plugins, and/or mods you can have.

What is a Minecraft server operator?

In terms of Minecraft, an operator (or op for short) is a user who has been granted acces to all console commands on a Minecraft server. On a standard server op status can only be given or revoked by the server console or another op, using the /op and /deop commands. Customized servers may have different definitions…

What is a “Minecraft” IP?

The port Minecraft requires is: 25565. Essentially, the path will look something like this: incoming > modem > router > static IP address via port 25565. Instead of right-clicking on the sever.jar file to launch the server, we can create a BAT file and insert a modified command to help the server run more smoothly.