Users' questions

How do you give average students remarks?

How do you give average students remarks?

The student:

  1. listens attentively to the responses of others.
  2. follows directions.
  3. takes an active role in discussions.
  4. enhances group discussion through insightful comments.
  5. shares personal experiences and opinions with peers.
  6. responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework.

How do you give good comments to students?


  1. Takes an active role in discussions.
  2. Consistently cooperates with the teacher and other students.
  3. Listens well and shares ideas frequently.
  4. Works democratically with peers.
  5. Shows self-confidence in…
  6. Works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.
  7. Follows directions well.

How do you comment on student progress?


  1. ______ is continuing to grow in independence.
  2. ______ has improved steadily.
  3. ______ has been consistently progressing.
  4. ______ has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ______.
  5. ______ seems eager to improve.
  6. ______ has shown strong growth in _______.
  7. ______ is making steady progress academically.

How to write report card comments for weak students?

Writing report card comments for weak or struggling students in your classroom can be challenging. Your comments need to reflect the reason why your student may be struggling in a subject area. This may be due to the effort displayed, poor attendance, behaviour, lack of concentration, a learning disability or because they find the subject

How many sample report card comments are there?

And while no one at your school knows your students better than you do, writing valuable report card comments for each of them can be a huge challenge. That’s why we created a list of 105 sample report card comments to help you find ideas, inspiration, and insights while writing your own assessments.

Why are my students struggling on the report card?

Your comments need to reflect the reason why your student may be struggling in a subject area. This may be due to the effort displayed, poor attendance, behaviour, lack of concentration, a learning disability or because they find the subject challenging despite trying their best.

What should a teacher write on a report card?

As a teacher, you have to take a lot of points into consideration. Especially when it comes to writing report card comments for struggling students in your classroom, it is hard and can be challenging. Your comments need to be honest and must in no way kill the spirits of the children or their parents.