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How do you footnote a website in Chicago style?

How do you footnote a website in Chicago style?

If citing an entire website, include the title of the site, the name of the sponsoring organization, the publication date or date of latest update (if available), URL, and access date if time sensitive. x. Author’s First name Last name, Web Site Title, URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

How do you cite a website in a footnote?

Basic format for referencing material from the web Format for footnotes for a document from the web: A. Author, ‘Title of Document’, Name of Website in Italics, Place of Publication, Name of Publisher, year, page number, http://url, (accessed day month year).

Which is an example of a Chicago style footnote?

Web Source Examples in Chicago Style Footnote or Endnote (N): 1. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Web Page,” Name of Website, Publishing Organization, publication or revision date if available, access date if no other date is available, URL.

Where do you put the footnotes in a paper?

Write out any numbers lower than 100. Footnotes will always appear at the bottom of the page where the reference occurs and endnotes go on a separate page after the body of the paper. Place the note number at the end of the sentence in which the reference occurs and after any punctuation; remember to superscript it.

Where do you start on a Chicago Style page?

Number the pages in the top right corner of the paper, beginning with the first page of text. It’s a good idea to include your last name as well, in case pages become separated. Number straight through from the first text page to the final bibliography page but do not count any pages after the end of the text as part of your page count.

What should be the Order of footnotes in a citation?

Any additional usage, simply use the author’s last name, publication title, and date of publication. Footnotes should match with a superscript number at the end of the sentence referencing the source. You should begin with 1 and continue numerically throughout the paper. Do not start the order over on each page.