Users' questions

How do Stylaria feed?

How do Stylaria feed?

Aeolosoma and Stylaria do not require special food; the hay media and wheat seeds are sufficient. Earthworms and redworms should be fed cornmeal by sprinkling it on top of the soil substrate. White worms should be fed white bread soaked in milk once per week. Refer to the white worm literature for more details.

What is annelida group?

The annelids /ˈænəlɪdz/ (Annelida /əˈnɛlɪdə/, from Latin anellus, “little ring”), also known as the ringed worms or segmented worms, are a large phylum, with over 22,000 extant species including ragworms, earthworms, and leeches.

What are the three feeding styles of annelids?

Polychaete feeding styles vary from eating organic material that settles on the surface of the muddy substrate (detritus feeding), to filtering plankton and detritus from the water using feathery feeding tentacles (suspension feeding), to eating their neighbors (predation).

Which of the following are ecological roles of annelids?

However, probably the most significant ecological role played by annelids is reworking of soil and sediments. Soils may harbor 50 to 500 earthworms per square meter; they keep soils aerated, and their castings fertilize the soil. Most earthworms and leeches are hermaphroditic with both male and female gonads.

Are there any food allergies associated with EoE?

These six foods are most commonly associated with this allergic response: dairy, wheat, soy, eggs, nuts, and seafood/shellfish. Unfortunately, there is no accurate test to identify food allergies connected with EOE. Elimination diets help to identify food allergies and improve your condition.

Can a paleo diet help a child with eczema?

While you may see results in your eczema with diet changes alone, sometimes it’s not enough. You may need to repair your gut through gut healing protocols like the GAPS Diet or Autoimmune Paleo and you should certainly look for environmental, seasonal and other potential allergens that could be triggering you or your child’s eczema.

Is there an elimination diet for dyshidrotic eczema?

The dyshidrotic diet is specifically for those with dyshidrotic eczema. The elimination diet may help those who don’t know what their eczema triggers are. Dyshidrotic eczema is characterized by tiny blisters on your hands and feet. Like other forms of eczema, its cause is unknown. Allergens, including food allergens, may influence flare-ups.