Users' questions

How do I save Ansys results file?

How do I save Ansys results file?

To save your model, select Utility Menu Bar -> File -> Save As Jobname. db. Your model will be saved in a file called jobname. db, where jobname is the name that you specified in the Launcher when you first started ANSYS.

How do you save results in Ansys Apdl?

Stresses: instead of using ‘Plot Results’ to plot the stresses, choose ‘List Results’. Select ‘Elem Table Data’, and choose what you want to list from the menu. You can pick multiple items. When the list appears on the screen in its own window, Select ‘File’/’Save As…’ and give a file name to store the results.

How do you get Ansys results?


  1. Open ANSYS Mechanical and select Solution from the model tree.
  2. Click Tools > Read Result Files and locate the .
  3. Click User Defined Result and enter the SVAR to view.
  4. Enter a Display Time.
  5. Right-click User Defined Result in the model tree and select Evaluate All Results.

How do you save a graph in Ansys?

If the data right-click the result object and there should be an option to export.

How to save results from ANSYS Workbench study?

Commonly, we need to save results from an Ansys Workbench study as a text file for post-processing in another program, such as Excel. One can right-click on a desired result and use Export, but that can be tedious if there a lot of results to save.

How to export results in a text file in ANSYS?

The thing is that i am using ANSYS mechanical ADPL and this is not an option in it. In APDL command, with *vwrite it is also possible to export results to external .txt file. Here is a link explainning the steps.

How to reswrite a database file in ANSYS?

The /POST1 command RESWRITE file can do this. The above /CONFIG command for the results file will keep the written file smaller by eliminating the node-and-element data from the results file. The following input file generates an example. A /CONFIG command prevents writing derived element data (stress, strain, etc) to the in-memory database.

Where do I Save my model in ANSYS?

Your model will be saved in a file called jobname.db, where jobnameis the name that you specified in the Launcherwhen you first started ANSYS. It is a good idea to save your job at different times throughout the building and analysis of the model to backup your work incase of a system crash or other unforseen problems.