Users' questions

How do I find out if a doctor has any complaints?

How do I find out if a doctor has any complaints?

Go to the Federation of State Medical Board’s Physician Data Center website to check the doctor’s basic information including board certifications, education, the listed states where an active license is maintained, and any actions against the doctor.

How do you find out if a doctor has been disciplined?

Check your doctor’s discipline history: Once you’ve found your doctor, look under “Public Record Actions” to see if any disciplinary action has been taken by the board. From there, you may have to contact the board’s Central File Room at 916-263-2525 to request documents related to license actions.

How do I research a complaint against a doctor?

Central Complaint Unit

  1. Toll-Free: 1-800-633-2322.
  2. Phone: (916) 263-2382.
  3. Fax: (916) 263-2435.
  4. Email: [email protected].

What happens when a doctor gets a complaint?

Physicians plan and insure against the possibility of a medical malpractice suit. It also provides some very specific guidance to patients on when, and how, to file complaints against physicians. Complaints can result in fines, reputational damage, license suspension or limitations and even complete license revocation.

How do you check a doctor’s performance?

Go to the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) website to check the basics with their search function. You will find the doctor’s board certifications, education, states with active licenses, and any actions against the physician.

What percent of doctors are sued for malpractice?

Roughly half (55 percent) of surveyed physicians said they have been named in a malpractice lawsuit, according to a recent report by Medscape.

How do I check a doctor’s reputation?

How do I complain about medical negligence?

The first necessary step if you are a victim of medical negligence is to file a Complaint against the doctor with the State Medical Council. The victim can file a complaint in the state consumer court also and there can be a criminal suit filed by the patient against the hospital or the doctor himself.

What happens when a doctor is under investigation?

Investigations into any of the preceding complaints or other charges can have serious implications for your medical practice. A formal hearing or criminal proceeding may result in fines and loss of medical staff privileges. In some cases, a state medical board may impose remedial, non-disciplinary orders on physicians.

What to do if a doctor mistreats you?

There are three ways that you can file a complaint:

  1. Call to have a Complaint Form mailed to you either through the toll-free line (1-800-633-2322) or by calling (916) 263-2424, OR.
  2. Use the On-line Complaint Form, OR.
  3. Download and Print a Complaint Form.

How do I review a doctor?

Top Physician Review Sites to Watch

  1. Yelp.
  2. Vitals.
  3. Google My Business.
  4. Healthgrades.
  5. ZocDoc.
  6. RateMDs.