Users' questions

How can I download Ragnarok 2?

How can I download Ragnarok 2?

Make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements to play Ragnarok Online 2. Click on the graphic to the right to download the game install. Save the file to your computer. Once the download is complete, run the saved file from your computer and follow the prompts given.

Is Ragnarok Online 2 free?

Ragnarok 2 is a free-to-play, fantasy MMORPG that takes elements from the original Ragnarok Online and re-imagines them as a three-dimensional, modern MMO experience.

How do I register for special forces?

Go to

  1. Click on the register button.
  2. To sign up using your phone number, select Using your Mobile Number, or select Using your Email Address to sign up using your email address.
  3. Enter your phone number or email address and then your password.

How do I register for Ragnarok Online?

SImply go to register an account. And then attach a ragnarok 2 account onto your warp portal account.

Is Ragnarok Online 2 dead?

Less than a week after announcing that Rose Online would be shutting down, WarpPortal made it known via the official forums that development on Ragnarok Online 2 has ended as of January 16, 2019. The forum post made it clear that while development would cease, the game is not closing down.

Is Ragnarok Online 2 still alive?

“Since we know so many still enjoy Ragnarok Online 2, the game will remain open, but without a development team it will remain as it is and will not be receiving any further development, for updates or events. We want to thank everyone who has worked on Ragnarok Online 2 since the servers went live.”

Can I run skill Special Force 2?

But, according to the developers the recommended graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT. You will need at least 4 GB of free disk space to install S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 (Shooter). An Intel Pentium 4 3.00GHz CPU is required at a minimum to run S.K.I.L.L.

Is Ragnarok Online Still Alive 2020?

Is Ragnarok Online alive 2020? Ragnarok Online is alive and well in 2020. All the servers combined have an approximate population of 33k daily players and the total amount that played in the last month is about 490k.

How do I register for Roextreme?

Steps to register for a new ID (For the player who never had any EXE ID before)

  1. Press the Sign Up button on Ragnarok MSP website or click on this link:
  2. Enter your mobile phone number and click “Send SMS OTP”

Is Ragnarok Online Worth Playing 2020?

Ragnarok Online is alive and well in 2020. All the servers combined have an approximate population of 33k daily players and the total amount that played in the last month is about 490k. The numbers across all servers tend to grow slowly.

Why is Ragnarok Online dead?

Because of the sudden announcement, many long-standing players of pRO theorized that the Level Up’s decision to shut down the 12-year old MMORPG was due to the local publishers’ inability to deliver the necessary royalty dues to Ragnarok’s Korean developer, Gravity Games.

How to register for RO2 on WarpPortal?

If you do not have a WarpPortal account yet, choose a Game Account ID you want to use here on the WarpPortal. You will use this to login to RO2 after the merger. Enter the token code you were given and a password. Print or save the image of your Welcome page in case you have a problem with the registration.

Can you add RO2 as a non Steam game?

Of course if you register through WP you can add RO2 as a non-steam game, but the steam wallet and the skip login procedure won’t work. If you have a WP account, and you register an RO2 account via steam with same email it will connect properly (or if you did ROSE on steam). I don’t understand why this is being done this way.

Can a WP account connect to a RO2 account?

If you have a WP account, and you register an RO2 account via steam with same email it will connect properly (or if you did ROSE on steam). If it didn’t get flagged through Steam during your registration, you will have issues down the road with the wallet.

Is there a valentine’s day update for Ragnarok 2?

Chocolates and Candies abound as the Valentine’s Day Event takes over Ragnarok 2. MVP Update: World Bosses, Cute Pets, & Legendary Cards! Want purple runeholes in your costume, but don’t want to look like a Kafra employee?