Users' questions

Does fuel pressure regulator increase horsepower?

Does fuel pressure regulator increase horsepower?

The noob belief amongst amateur tuners is increasing the fuel pressure up a few psi from the regulator will mean the injectors are getting moaar fuel which will increase the horsepower. It is because your injectors will juice in only the required (mapped) fuel into the motor and return the rest out to the fuel tank.

Are fuel pressure regulators connected to the throttle plate?

The THROTTLE BODY housing, like a carburetor body, bolts to the pad on the intake manifold. It houses the metal castings that hold the injectors, the fuel pressure regulator, and the throttle plates. The throttle plates are located in the lower section of the body.

How to choose the best fuel pressure regulator?

When choosing a fuel pressure regulator for your ride, you need to take into consideration several factors. The regulator is a critical piece and should to be matched to the type of fuel delivery system and the fuel pump that you are using or plan to use.

Where do you run the fuel regulator on a street strip?

In a street/strip application we recommend running the feed line directly to the carburetors fuel log then placing the regulator on the return line side of your fuel log. This allows the fuel to flow unrestricted to your carburetor, but still regulates the pressure and returns the unused fuel back into the gas tank.

Do you need a return line for a fuel regulator?

The lack of a return line helps decrease installation costs but it can also limit the performance capabilities. These regulators come in a variety of styles and typically regulate fuel pressures in the 1-9 psi range.

Can a bypass regulator be used in a carbureted system?

This allows the fuel to flow unrestricted to your carburetor, but still regulates the pressure and returns the unused fuel back into the gas tank. Carbureted systems can benefit from a bypass regulator just as much if not more than an EFI system.