Users' questions

Does child support automatically stop when a child turns 18 in Michigan?

Does child support automatically stop when a child turns 18 in Michigan?

Child support normally stops when a child turns 18. Lives full-time with the parent that gets child support or at an institution.

Does child support automatically end in Michigan?

Child support does not continue indefinitely. When a court issues an order for child support to extend beyond the age of 18, the court is required under Michigan statute to specifically note when the support will stop. This specific date is irrespective of the date the child graduates from high school.

Do you still have to pay child support if the child goes to college in Michigan?

Often courts order an end to postmajority support when the child no longer attends high school full-time. Senior students often stop going to school full days sometime in May, so some courts use May 31 as an end date.

Can you get back child support after 18 in California?

Under special circumstances, the court may order child support to continue after the child is an adult. If past-due support (called arrears) is still owed, the local child support agency may continue to enforce collection until the balance including interest is paid in full.

How do I stop child support when my child turns 18 in Michigan?

Given the conditions of the statute a great majority of 18 year olds will not qualify for child support. If you are seeking child support beyond age 18 or trying to stop child support, Attorney Ross Stancati can be reached at 269-381-4471.

Is there a statute of limitations on child support in Michigan?

Michigan’s Statute of Limitations on Back Child Support Payments (Arrears) The Michigan statute of limitations on enforcement of child support is 10 years after last obligation due.

Who gets back child support after the child is 18 in Michigan?

In Michigan, child support obligations normally last until the child turns 18 years old, but can continue up until the age of 19½, if the child is still in high school and lives full-time with the parent that gets child support.

Does child support continue if child goes to college in California?

Under California law, the obligation to pay child support ends at age 18 (or 19 if the child is still in high school). As a result, in the vast majority of cases, child support will not cover tuition, room and board, and other college-related expenses.

Does California have a statute of limitations on child support?

In California, there is a statute of limitations (meaning a time limit) on bringing a motion for contempt related to non-payment of support. You have three years from the date a payment was due (but not paid) to file a contempt action against a delinquent parent.

Do I have to pay child support if my child drops out of college?

You might not have to pay child support, since your son is no longer complying with the agreement. You cannot just stop paying the support, however. You must ask the court to suspend your child support obligation.

How old do you have to be to get child support in Michigan?

In Michigan, child support obligations normally last until the child turns 18 years old, but can continue up until the age of 19½, if the child is still in high school and lives full-time with the parent that gets child support.

When does child support stop in the state of Michigan?

Child support normally stops when a child turns 18. But a judge can order support for a child who is between 18 and 19 ½ if the child: Child support normally includes a base amount, plus amounts for health care and child care costs. Child support can be ordered in a: Children have a legal right to financial support from both parents.

How old does child support have to be in California?

Because California doesn’t automatically require child support to continue past the age of 18, even in cases of children with special needs, many parents do agree to continue support for longer. There’s nothing to stop you from doing so, as well, if it’s necessary in your case.

When does child support end for an 18 year old?

If your 18-year-old child is still a full-time high school student and still lives with a parent, child support ends when your child graduates or turns 19, whichever occurs first. Dies. Parents may agree to support a child longer.