Users' questions

Do military jobs translate to civilian jobs?

Do military jobs translate to civilian jobs?

It can be challenging, but not impossible. The Military Skills Translator matches a veteran’s military occupation code (MOS, AFSC, and Rating), sub-specialties and other professional military skills to civilian job opportunities.

How do you become a military translator?

The first step is to complete basic English language training if required by the U.S. Army. Then, you must complete 10 weeks of Army Basic Training (or boot camp). After completing BCT, you can progress to Advanced Individual Training where you may also want to focus on training regarding: VIP Escort.

How do I translate military experience to civilian?

Veterans, Take Note: Here’s How to Translate Your Military Experience to a Civilian Resume

  1. Focus on the Right Things.
  2. Spotlight Your Transferable Skills.
  3. Translate Terms Into Civilian Language.
  4. Pick the Right Format.
  5. Know the Basics.
  6. Reach Out to Your Resources.

What is your military occupation?

A United States military occupation code, or a military occupational specialty code (MOS code), is a nine-character code used in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps to identify a specific job. In the United States Air Force, a system of Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) is used.

What does a 25 Bravo do?

This Army job is military occupational specialty (MOS) 25B – Information Technology (IT) Specialists. These soldiers deal with highly sensitive information and need to have technical skills and aptitude for programming and computer languages. These soldiers are crucial to the Army and national security.

Are military skills transferable?

Transferable skills are commonly referenced in the civilian world when career or job transfers take place….Salute Your Military Skills – They’re Transferable!

Hard Skills (Technical) Soft Skills (Interpersonal)
Project management Communication
Military instruction Organization
Recruiting Problem solving

How much money do military translators make?

Average U.S. Army Translator yearly pay in the United States is approximately $46,639, which meets the national average. Salary information comes from 3,532 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months.

How much do military translators make?

How long is 25 Bravo AIT?

Job training for an information technology specialist, requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 20 weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instruction.

Is there a military to civilian occupational translator? is pleased to provide veterans and military service members an important resource, the Military Skills Translator or also referred to as the Military To Civilian Occupational Translator.

Why is the MOS translator important for veterans?

This is an important tool that allows Veteran Job Seekers and Military Job Seekers to translate your military skills, military experience and military training to find civilian career opportunities that fit your capabilities. This can be a difficult and challenging process without this important Military Skills Translator.

How does a military occupation match a civilian occupation?

Employers can use the Civilian-to-Military Occupation Translator to identify which military occupations (including Military Occupation Specialty, or MOS and MOC codes) best match their civilian job openings on the basis of education, training, skills, and experience.

Is there a fee for a military translator?

The Military Skills Translator is easy to use and there is never a cost or fee involved. All you need to do is enter your military occupational specialty code and hit the search button and the information to transfer your military occupation skills will come up to assist you.