Users' questions

Can you get finasteride in the UK?

Can you get finasteride in the UK?

Where can I get Finasteride? Finasteride is a prescription-only treatment in the UK, meaning you must consult a doctor in person or online before you can take it. Finasteride isn’t available on the NHS and must be ordered privately.

Is finasteride available in Europe?

This product is now finally being released in the European Union countries. Note that besides chitosan, there are many other potential delivery systems for topical finasteride.

Is 5mg of finasteride too much?

“So there’s no reason to prescribe a higher dosage.” In other words, finasteride 1mg is wholly sufficient. Finasteride 5mg will not help you treat male pattern hair loss any better than 1mg would.

Is generic finasteride as good as Propecia?

Does generic finasteride work as well as Propecia? Yes. Even though generic finasteride is cheaper than Propecia, it works just as well. Both finasteride and Propecia are effective treatments to halt male pattern baldness and return lost hair.

Is finasteride worth the risk?

Currently, studies show that finasteride is safe to use over the long term. For example, a study from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial of almost 19,000 men who had taken finasteride for seven years concluded that there is “little need to worry” about any long-term consequences from finasteride.

Is finasteride worth taking?

A clinical trial carried out over a five-year period on over 1,800 men, has proven that taking finasteride 1mg once a day, slowed and reversed balding in more than 90% of men. Another clinical trial conducted in over 2,500 men, demonstrated that finasteride had a positive impact on hair growth in 87% of men.

Can finasteride 5mg be cut in half?

Propecia comes in 1mg tablets, but finasteride comes in 5mg tablets — so to take the appropriate dose, you will need to cut each finasteride tablet into quarters.

Does finasteride make you angry?

Patients taking finasteride had 4 times the risk of experiencing depression and anxiety, as well as an increased risk of reporting suicidal feelings. These symptoms were more common among those taking finasteride for hair loss, compared to those taking it for another reason such as enlarged prostate.

Is it better to take finasteride in the morning or at night?

What is the best time of day to take finasteride? There is no best time of day. But you should try to take finasteride at the same time every single day to maximize its effectiveness. You pick the time—morning, noon, or night—just make sure you stick with it.