Users' questions

Are BM hunters good PvP?

Are BM hunters good PvP?

Beast Mastery Hunter Strengths in PvP Beast Mastery does a lot of consistent damage, constantly able to pressure enemies at all times. Pairing this with high burst teammates can be a lethal combination.

What is the best hunter class for PvP?

When it comes to PVP the Best Race for Hunters is Orc for sure, with Racial Traits like Command, Hardiness and Blood Fury it’s an easy choice. However, you are an alliance faction player then you can either roll Night Elf or Dwarves, both are solid but the Dwarves are really good for PVP thanks to their Stoneform.

What is the best race for BM hunters?

Best PvE Beast Mastery Hunters races & faction

Race % (1+ boss) % (Level 120)
Orc 13.8% 6.8%
Night Elf 13.6% 13.6%
Troll 11.1% 5.1%
Human 8.8% 13.1%

What is the best covenant for BM hunter Shadowlands?

Best Covenants for Beast Mastery Hunters

Best Raid Covenants
Covenants Rating Best Soulbind
Kyrian Excellent Pelagos
Necrolord Poor Heirmir
Night Fae Excellent Niya

Which is the best stat priority for BM Hunter?

Stat priority as BM Hunter will mostly come down to preference, as every single stat actually has value to it. Because of that, I would start off by saying that in general you should just seek to obtain the highest item level gear and worry less about secondaries. BiS pieces are there to balance out levels of Haste, Mastery, and Versatility.

What are the stat priorities for Beast Mastery hunters?

The stat priority for Beast Mastery Hunters in PvP is as follows: 1 Agility; 2 Mastery; 3 Versatility; 4 Haste; 5 Critical Strike.

Which is better critical strike or haste for Beast Mastery hunters?

Critical Strike is generally superior to all other stats for Beast Mastery Hunters, particularly as gear gets better and you start getting Dance of Death Traits. Versatility and Haste are close. As your gear gets better and you get Condensed Life-Force, Haste becomes much better.

Which is a better stat haste or mastery?

Mastery is not far off, but is generally an inferior stat to Haste and Versatility. In a practical situation, your stat weights and priority will always be changing as you get more gear, trinkets and so on. This is a general stat priority that gives you an idea of what stats are good to have on your gear.