Why do I have 2 states on my W-2?
Why do I have 2 states on my W-2?
W-2 includes 2 states; one where state income tax was deducted and other state where no state income tax was deducted. Do I need to file state tax returns in both states? You may have to file in both states. You will file in your state of residence unless your state does not have income tax.
What is included in Box 16 on W-2?
If you are subject to state taxes, box 16 will indicate the total amount of taxable wages for state tax purposes. If you have wages reported in box 16, box 17 will show the total amount of state income taxes withheld during the year.
Why is Box 16 empty on my W-2?
Wages subject to the state income tax will show up in Box 16. If you’re one of the lucky ones who live in one of the nine states with no income tax, your employer will leave Box 16 blank. Box 1 and Box 16 may not match up. Federal income tax will exempt some income that states will tax.
Should Box 1 match box 16 on your W-2 form?
CALCULATING FEDERAL AND STATE TAXABLE WAGES (BOXES 1 & 16) The resulting amounts should equal Box 1 Federal Wages and Box 16 State Wages on your W-2. Some employees may see a difference between Box 1 Federal Wages and Box 16 State Wages due to the value of certain pre-tax transportation benefits.
What is W2 box 16 for 2 States?
June 4, 2019 2:42 PM W2 Box 16 for 2 states – what is the logic and how to report income correctly?
How to report multiple state earnings on the W-2?
Beneath that you would see the next state listed in Box 15 followed by the wage earned in that state in Box 16. When the two wage amounts listed in each of the Box 16 are added together they would total box 1 which is your Federal Wage amount. For New York this is not the case…
What happens if you have more than one state on your W-2?
So, even if only 2 weeks of your yearly wage was in New York, Box 16 will show whatever is in Box 1, and if you have another state along with New York when both wage amounts from Box 16 are added together you could potentially have more than your federal wages in Box 1. Does this mean you’re being double taxed on those wages?
Where does state withholding go on the W-2?
We’re here to set the record straight. In Box 16 most states report the amount of wage that was earned in that state. So if you had state withholding in more than one state, you would see the first state listed in box 15 followed by the wage earned in that state in Box 16.