
Who killed Apollonia Vitelli Corleone?

Who killed Apollonia Vitelli Corleone?

When she started the car to drive towards him, she unknowingly ignited a bomb planted in the car, intended for Michael, the subsequent explosion killed her instantly. The attack was orchestrated by Michael’s trusted bodyguard, Fabrizio, who was paid off by the Barzini family from New York.

Why did Fabrizio kill Apollonia?

He killed the woman he wanted, and made everyone aware, including Don Tommasino that Barzini was the cause of the general unrest that was plaguing those Mafia bosses who supported the Don. If Michael really wanted to protect Apollonia, he needed to do the following: Get new bodyguards.

Did Kay ever know about Apollonia?

3 Answers. In the film, this was never revealed. In the book, Kay is told by Michael Corleone’s mother to forget about him, implying that Corleone was already married and would never return to the US. The family in the novel The Godfather is well aware of Michael’s actions in Sicily.

Who ordered the hit on Sonny Corleone?

So Barzini had Connie’s husband give her a beating, which put Sonny (predictably) in a rage. Barzini then had his men wait at the tollbooths, knowing Sonny would take the causeway en route to Connie. The hit on Sonny (Don Corleone’s son) was payback for the hit he put on Tattaglia’s son.

How did Apollonia Vitelli Corleone die in the movie?

When Michael was readying himself for a usual excursion with his bride, Apollonia wished to impress her husband that she taught herself how to drive. In starting the car, she died when she ignited a car bomb intended for Michael.

How did Apollonia get killed in the godfather?

After a brief courtship, they are married. Soon afterward, however, Apollonia is killed by a car bomb intended for Michael. The attack was set up by Fabrizio, who had betrayed Michael to Corleone family enemies back in Michael’s native New York City.

Who was the first wife of Michael Corleone?

Apollonia Vitelli (1931-1948) was the first wife of Michael Corleone. In 1948, she was killed by a car bomb meant for her husband. Apollonia Vitelli was born in Corleone, Sicily in 1931, the third child of an Italian father and a Greek mother.

Why was Apollonia’s death left out of the movie?

Since the film leaves out Michael Corleone’s revenge against the man who planted the bomb in the car which killed Apollonia it is clear that her death closes that thread of the tale. There is a deleted scene from the first movie where Michael is seen post-explosion and recovering from his wounds. He orders a hit on Appolonia’s killers.