
Who gets pregnant in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Who gets pregnant in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Darla becomes pregnant, a unique occurrence for a vampire. She sacrifices herself in order to give birth to her and Angel’s human son Connor, ending her run on the series. However, Darla continues to appear in flashback episodes during the next two seasons.

Did Buffy get an abortion?

Buffy gets her teeth into politics: Vampire Slayer creator makes her have an abortion in attack on pro-life lobby. She was the fresh-faced heroine of many a teenaged boy. And in what is sure to infuriate the U.S. anti-abortion lobby, Buffy has decided to have a termination.

Does Buffy have a baby in the comics?

The end of Xander and Dawn’s story will surprise anyone who hasn’t been keeping up-to-date with the comics; they’ve become a couple, and are now bringing up their baby daughter, Buffy’s niece Joyce (named for their late mother).

How does Darla get pregnant?

However, the unthinkable had happened: Darla had become pregnant as a result of Angel winning a life by enduring the trials in an attempt to save her when she was dying. Darla visited every shaman in the Western Hemisphere, all of whom told her that her pregnancy was inherently impossible, but also impossible to abort.

Why did Riley and Buffy break up?

The Initiative was destroyed at the end of Season Four, and Riley was relieved of his military standing. He was left at loose ends, and his behavior became reckless. His behavior, as well as Spike’s manipulations and a sense that Buffy would never truly love him, led to their breakup.

Does Angel love Cordelia or Buffy?

Angel told Buffy this at the last minute. He confessed he loved her completely, but they couldn’t be together when it cost her life and the people they still needed to help against the evil forces. Angel and Buffy shared one last desperate kiss before the day was ultimately turned back and he was once again a vampire.

Is Dawn Buffy’s daughter?

Within the series, Dawn is the little sister of main character Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), a girl chosen by fate to be a vampire Slayer. Whedon introduced Dawn to the series because he wanted to introduce a character with whom Buffy could have an intensely emotional non-romantic relationship.

Did Angel and Darla have a baby?

In a seemingly impossible event, vampires Angel and Darla had a child, the end result being Connor, a human with superhuman abilities. Connor is introduced in the episode “Lullaby,” when Darla sacrifices herself to give birth to him, by staking herself in the heart.

What happened Angels baby?

Connor was mortally wounded by Gunn when Gunn tried to prevent Connor, Angel, and Spike from stopping Illyria. He died in his father’s arms, but not before reassuring Angel that he was a good person regardless of whether or not he was a human or a vampire.

Is there going to be season 9 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

The series were followed in 2014 by the start of a Season Ten line of Buffy and Angel & Faith comics. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine continues the plot thread from the previous series, focusing on Buffy and her core group of friends.

Where does Buffy the Vampire Slayer Live Now?

After the Twilight crisis, in which she destroyed the ‘Seed of Wonder’ and consequently brought about the end of magic, Buffy is now living in San Francisco and must continue her duties as the Slayer. However, there is a new status quo in Buffy’s personal life as well as in her Slayer career.

Where does Angel and faith take place in Buffy?

Angel & Faith, on the other hand, is set primarily in London and pursues several plot threads from Season Eight . The series were followed in 2014 by the start of a Season Ten line of Buffy and Angel & Faith comics.

Who are the witches in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Angel and Faith are joined and supported by Giles’ great aunts, Lavinia and Sophronia Fairweather, two depowered witches who used their magic to remain young and beautiful, and by Alasdair Coames, a depowered “archmage” and a collector of magical artifacts who is an old friend of Giles’s.
