Who created the Gero crucifix?
Who created the Gero crucifix?
Archbishop Gero
The Gerocrucifix is a sculpture in the round, carved from wood, and it is also stained to add more color and depth. It was created in 970-1000 during the Ottonian era of art and was brought to the Cologne Cathedral in Germany by Archbishop Gero.
Is the Gero crucifix a reliquary?
The Gero Crucifix is a sculpture depiction of a tortured Christ on the cross that is held in Cologne Cathedral in Germany and was made in 970. It is a polychrome wood sculpture that also functions as a reliquary through the head of Christ.
What is the purpose of Christ’s representation in the Gero crucifix?
The Gero Cross marks a period of revival of freestanding statuary in the Christian artistic tradition. Depicting a dead Christ was also a relatively recent innovation. Images of the dead Christ on the cross emerged in Byzantium in the post-Iconoclastic period as a means of emphasizing Christ’s human nature.
What is a cathedral crucifix?
A crucifix (from Latin cruci fixus meaning “(one) fixed to a cross”) is an image of Jesus on the cross, as distinct from a bare cross. The representation of Jesus himself on the cross is referred to in English as the corpus (Latin for “body”).
Who was the creator of the Gero Crucifix?
A series of arches supported by columns. Who commissioned the Gero crucifix? the archbishop of Cologne What is horizontal log construction? a method of construction used in Scandinavia during the Middle Ages Which of these areas did the Vikings plunder? Both England & Ireland What are runes?
How tall is the Gero Crucifix in feet?
It was created in 970-1000 during the Ottonian era of art and was brought to the Cologne Cathedral in Germany by Archbishop Gero. The carving has a smooth texture and looks naturalistic. It stands 6 feet and 2 ¼ inches tall, which makes it seem life like (Gardner, ch.11).
Which is the oldest crucifix in the world?
The Gero Cross or Gero Crucifix (German: Gero-Kreuz), of around 965–970, is the oldest large sculpture of the crucified Christ north of the Alps, and has always been displayed in Cologne Cathedral in Germany. It was commissioned by Gero, Archbishop of Cologne, who died in 976, thus providing a terminus ante quem for the work.
Who was the Archbishop of Cologne who died on a crucifix?
The Chronicon of Bishop Thietmar of Merseburg (975-1018) contains the story of a miracle associated with both Archbishop Gero and the crucifix bearing his name: Meanwhile, Archbishop Gero of the See of Cologne died. As I have only spoken briefly about him, I will now relate a few things which I previously held back.