
Where can I find Disc 4 Ragnarok?

Where can I find Disc 4 Ragnarok?

Ragnarok is not in Esthar on disc 4, its on Kashakjakjakjdroflkjasj desert (the one in Centra continent, excuse the spelling), go through the portal on the middle, then go on foot north. Past some mountains you’ll find a chocobo forest. Get a chocobo.

Can you get Doomtrain Disc 4?

Doomtrain, Bahamut, and Eden can all be obtained on disc 4 from their original locations. (Also, once you get Doomtrain, in addition to the Man from Garden option for a junk shop, you can also access a junk shop straight from the main menu, due to Doomtrain’s pre-learned “Junk Shop” menu ability.)

Can you get Eden on Disc 4?

To acquire Eden you’ll have to draw it from Ultima Weapon, a superboss which dwells in the depths of the Deep Sea Research Center. If you fail to acquire it from Ultima Weapon, you’ll have another chance to draw Eden from Tiamat in disc 4.

Who is the hardest boss in FF8?

The Omega Weapon
The Omega Weapon is a superboss in Final Fantasy VIII. Generally regarded as the game’s toughest boss, it is hidden within Ultimecia Castle.

Where to find the CC group in Final Fantasy VIII?

King can be found in the bridge after this. Winning against King completes the quest, but all CC Group members can still be played. On Disc 4, if you completed the CC Group Quest, the CC Group members will all be aboard the Ragnarok.

Where do you find the CC group on disc 4?

On Disc 4, if you completed the CC Group Quest, the CC Group members will all be aboard the Ragnarok. (If you failed to complete the Quest, Joker will still be there, running an Item Shop and a Junk Shop, but he will not play any Rare Cards, except for Leviathan if you didn’t get it from him before, like he would if you’d completed the quest.)

Who is the male student in Final Fantasy VIII?

Jack is the male student (not the little boy) who appears in the main hall. Once you’ve won the required number of games, he can be challenged. (An easy way to check your progress for the won games requirement is to talk to him; if you’ve won enough games, he’ll tell you to press Square to challenge him).

Where is the Chocobo Forest in Final Fantasy VIII?

Click on the link above or on the “Chocobo Forest” link on the left side bar for more information. Hop on a Chocobo and make your way over towards Cactuar Island and the Kashkabald Desert area (southeast from here). The Chocobo can walk across shallow water.