
When was much too young to feel this damn old?

When was much too young to feel this damn old?

March 1989
“Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)” is a debut song recorded by American country music artist Garth Brooks. It was released in March 1989 as his debut single, and was served as the first single from his self-titled debut album.

Who wrote the song Much Too Young to Feel This Damn Old?

Garth Brooks
Randy Taylor
Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)/Composers

Who sang much too young?

Garth Brooks
Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)/Artists

What album is much too young to feel this damn old on?

Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)/Album

What did Garth Brooks say about feeling old?

I guess she’s through with me, to tell the truth I just can’t see. What’s kept the woman holding on this long. And the white line’s getting longer and the saddle’s getting cold. I’m much too young to feel this damn old. All my cards are on the table with no ace left in the hole. I’m much too young to feel this damn old.

What’s the meaning of much too young by Garth Brooks?

“Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)” This ol’ highway’s getting longer. Seems there ain’t no end in sight. To sleep would be best, but I just can’t afford to rest. I’ve got to ride in Denver tomorrow night. I called the house but no one answered.

Who is Chris LeDoux in Garth brooks’much too young?

Like Garth Brooks, Chris was a great concert performer. Joel from Lawrence, Ks I like the fact that this song is about rodeo. It also mentions Chris LeDoux’s name in a later lyric. We would listen to this song as well as many others on road trips.

Who was Garth Brooks first hit song with?

Lord, I’m much too young to feel this damn old. Submit Corrections. With this song, Garth Brooks had his first hit ever. These lyrics mention a country singer Chris LeDoux whose career was resurrected when Garth Brooks released this song.
