
What weight should a 60 year old man be?

What weight should a 60 year old man be?

The average American man 20 years old and up weighs 197.9 pounds ….What’s the Average Weight for Men?

Age group (Years) Average weight (Pounds)
40–59 200.9
60 and older 194.7

What is a healthy weight for a 60 year old?

The average American woman 20 years old and up weighs 170.6 pounds and stands at 63.7 inches (almost 5 feet, 4 inches) tall….What’s the Average Weight for Women?

Age group (years) Average weight (pounds)
20-39 167.6
40-59 176.4
60 and older 166.5

What is a good BMI for a 60 year old man?

A body mass index of 18.5-24.9 is considered normal, a BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. Based on BMI scores, a 5-foot, 7-inch adult would be considered: Underweight at less than 118 pounds (BMI <18.5), Normal weight at 118 to 159 pounds (BMI = 18.5-24.9)

What is a healthy BMI for a 65 year old man?

“Our results showed that those over the age of 65 with a BMI of between 23 and 33 lived longer, indicating that the ideal body weight for older people is significantly higher than the recommended 18.5-25 ‘normal’ healthy weight range.”

What is correct weight and height for age?

Weight and height guide chart

Height Weight
5ft (60″) 97 to 123 lbs. 128 to 148 lbs.
5ft 1″ (61″) 100 to 127 lbs. 132 to 153 lbs.
5ft 2″ (62″) 104 to 131 lbs. 136 to 158 lbs.
5ft 3″ (63″) 107 to 135 lbs. 141 to 163 lbs.

How do I know if I am overweight for my age?

Based upon your BMI, you can find out if you are:

  • Underweight: It means your BMI is less than 18.5.
  • In normal or healthy weight range: If your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9.
  • Overweight: If your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9.
  • Obese: If your BMI is 30.0 or more.

What should a 5 foot 2 inch 60 year old woman weigh?

For example, a woman over 60 who is 5 feet 2 inches tall has an ideal body weight range of 108 to 143 pounds, while a 5-foot-6 woman has a desirable weight range of 120 to 159 pounds.

How can I speed up my metabolism at 60?

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism (Backed by Science)

  1. Eat Plenty of Protein at Every Meal. Eating food can increase your metabolism for a few hours.
  2. Drink More Cold Water.
  3. Do a High-Intensity Workout.
  4. Lift Heavy Things.
  5. Stand up More.
  6. Drink Green Tea or Oolong Tea.
  7. Eat Spicy Foods.
  8. Get a Good Night’s Sleep.

What is a good BMI for 60 year old woman?

Doctors consider a healthy BMI for women to be 18.5–24.9. A BMI of 30 or above may indicate obesity. BMI measurements can help someone understand whether they have underweight or overweight. However, BMI for women has some limitations, as it does not measure body fat specifically.

What should a 70 year old man weigh?

An individual who is 5-feet, 5-inches tall should have a weight between 114 and 149 pounds. At the same size, a weight of 150 to 179 pounds is considered overweight, and anything 180 pounds or above is obesity. If you are 6 feet tall, you should have a weight between 140 and 183 pounds.

What is a good BMI for seniors?

In older adults it is often better to have a BMI between 25 and 27, rather than under 25. If you are older than 65, for example, a slightly higher BMI may help protect you from thinning of the bones (osteoporosis).

How do I determine my ideal weight?

Here are general guidelines.

  1. If your BMI is less than 18.5, it falls within the “underweight” range.
  2. If your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, it falls within the “normal” or Healthy Weight range.
  3. If your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9, it falls within the “overweight” range.
  4. If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, it falls within the “obese” range.