
What race is best for priest Shadowlands?

What race is best for priest Shadowlands?

Best Alliance Races for Shadow Priest PvP

  • Human.
  • Night Elf.
  • Dwarf.
  • Gnome.

What is the best Horde race for priest?

Best Horde Races for Discipline Priest PvP

  • Undead.
  • Blood Elf.

What is the best specialization for priest wow?

For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Shadow as the best Priest leveling spec. Shadow is the only DPS specialization a Priest has, so it automatically becomes the best option for leveling.

What race is best for Warlock?

Best PvE Warlocks races & faction

Race % (1+ boss) % (Level 120)
Human 16.2% 13.1%
Undead 15.2% 5.8%
Void Elf 13.6% 4.5%
Troll 11.6% 5.1%

Which priest is best for healing?

Holy Priest
The Holy Priest is the classic, most user-friendly healing class available. New players will find the Holy spec abilities easy to understand. This is not a dig on the class, though, as a Holy Priest can match other healing specs in high-level mythic dungeons and Castle Nathria.

Which is the best Alliance race for priest?

I’m going to start maining a priest for bfa and I wanted to know which race in the alliance looks the best as a priest and has the best animation. gnome. best alliance race for anything. gonna change my dude here as soon as payday arrives. also escape artist might be useful or sth i dunno

Which is the best racial for Discipline priest?

1.4. The Dwarf racial bonus ( Stoneform) removes Poison, Disease, Magic, and bleed effects. In addition to this, it reduces all Physical damage taken by 10%. This racial can make a large impact versus teams that have multiple Bleed or Magical damage over time abilities.

Which is the best racial trait in Wow?

This trait is very useful in PvP encounters. Frost Resistance This passive racial trait increases your resistance against Frost damage, but not all encounters are frost based which makes this trait very situational, so it’s not worth basing your race choice on this alone.

Can you roll a priest with WotLK in mind?

Priests are, by definition, pretty squishy, but the Forsaken at least strap on a pair and suck it up…sometimes literally. Yeah Kalgan seems to have it in for the UD- he thinks they are too op and deserve a nerf. Its a shame, if they didnt change the racials around I would enjoy a UD alot more than a BE.