What male singer has the best vocal range?
What male singer has the best vocal range?
Male singers that have a 6-octave range include Adam Lopez (6 octaves and 3 semitones), Slipknot’s Corey Taylor (6 octaves and 1 semitone), and Dimash (A1-D8, 6 octaves and 5 semitones). In fact, in 2019, Dimash was showcased on CBS on The World’s Best as “the man with the world’s widest vocal range”.
Which male singer has the most octaves?
This is Tim Storms, a singer in possession of an incredible 10 octaves!!! He’s a Guinness World Record Breaker and has recorded material, although has never seen significant success in the industry. Watch this astounding video to see what he can do.
What singer has widest vocal range?
Montserrat Caballé hits this note in Strauss’ opera Salome. But it’s Mariah Carey who takes the prize for the largest vocal range of all. She can reach a low F2 and hit an unbelievable G7, a note that dolphins would envy, and that only some dogs can hear.
What is Adele’s vocal range?
She is a mezzo soprano. Maybe a deep one, but not contralto. And her vocal range spans from C3 (studio) to F5 live in head voice.
Which male singer has the highest vocal range?
A. Countertenor. The countertenor is the highest male vocal range and is deemed as the male equivalent of the female contralto or (in some occasions) of the female mezzo-soprano voice category. Its vocal range can span from G3 (the G key below the C4 key) to D5 or E5 but usually resides between E3 to E5 of the piano key.
What singer had the best vocal range of all-time?
Singers who really have a 6 octave range are Adam Lopez (6 octaves and 3 semitones) and Dimash (A1 – D8, 6 octaves and 5 semitones). In 2019, Dimash was presented by CBS on The World’s Best as “the man with the world’s widest vocal range”. Dimash D8 High note live – YouTube.
Who has the highest male singing voice?
Tenor is the highest range of the adult male singing voice, or is a person who sings at that octave. Pavarotti is an example of a tenor as he has a high singing voice.
Who has the highest vocal range for a man?
Storms also holds the record for the widest vocal range of any human at 10 octaves, ranging from G/G#-5 to G/G#5 (0.7973 Hz – 807.3 Hz). Listen to Storms sing below.