What kind of word is Quest?
What kind of word is Quest?
quest (kwest), n. a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something:a quest for uranium mines; a quest for knowledge. Literature[Medieval Romance.] an adventurous expedition undertaken by a knight or knights to secure or achieve something:the quest of the Holy Grail.
What is the noun form of quest?
British Dictionary definitions for quest quest. / (kwɛst) / noun. the act or an instance of looking for or seeking; searcha quest for diamonds. (in medieval romance) an expedition by a knight or company of knights to accomplish some prescribed task, such as finding the Holy Grail.
What is a sentence for Quest?
1) Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth. 2) She had come in quest of advice. 3) My quest for a better bank continues. 4) They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil.
What is the meaning of Qu est?
: what is it? : what’s that?
What do you do in parts of speech quest?
Parts of Speech Quest – Nouns is an exhilarating adventure game where you must become a Nouns Master to defeat the terrible dragon that attacked the kingdom of Lingua! Put your knowledge of nouns to the test as you venture through the Castle of Nouns in this epic quest!
What are the answers to the switches in part of speech?
On the game part of speech nouns part one what are the answers to the switches there .. What are the answers to Parts of Speech Quest 4 switches? You can comment on the page with Disqus or Facebook. Choose either above to see what others have said.
Where can I take a part of Speech Quiz?
You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Parts of Speech page. 1. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. 2. What did she ask you to do?
What are the nouns in parts of speech?
Parts of Speech Quest 1 – Nouns • ABCya! Advertisement | Go Ad-Free! A terrible dragon has attacked the kingdom of Lingua and only a Nouns Master will be able to save it. Will it be you? Put your knowledge of nouns to the test as you venture through Parts of Speech Quest-Nouns!