What is World War 2 nickname?
What is World War 2 nickname?
Desert Fox
‘Desert Fox’ Was WWII Nickname.
What was the most feared weapon in WW2?
The Flak 88 (abbreviated from the German “FLug Abwehr Kanone,” or “anti-aircraft cannon”) was the most feared artillery weapon of WWII.
What is a female spy called?
Sexpionage is a historically documented phenomenon and even the CIA has previously added Nigel West’s work Historical Dictionary of Sexspionage to its proposed intelligence officer’s bookshelf. Female agents using such tactics are known as sparrows, while male ones are known as ravens.
What are some of the nicknames for US soldiers?
“Grunt” A Vietnam War soldier. “Leatherneck, Jarhead” A US Marine. “Mustang” A commissioned officer who has advanced from an enlisted rank. “Fall-Out” A soldier that can not keep up with his/her unit. “Chalk” A group of airborne soldiers who deploy from the same aircraft.
What kind of weapons were used in World War 2?
By country List of World War II weapons of Germany Captured US firearms in Axis use in World War II List of World War II weapons of France List of World War II weapons of Italy List of World War II weapons of the Soviet Union List of World War II weapons of Thailand List of World War II weapons of the United Kingdom
What was the name of the Union soldier in the Civil War?
“Jonny Rebel” A Confederate soldier during the Civil War. “Billy Yank” A Union soldier during the Civil War. “Doughboy” A World War I Soldier. “Dogface” A World War II and Korean War Soldier. “Grunt” A Vietnam War soldier. “Leatherneck, Jarhead” A US Marine.
Where did the term cooties come from in World War 1?
As a nickname for body lice or head lice, cooties first appeared in trenches slang in 1915. It’s apparently derived from the coot, a species of waterfowl supposedly known for being infested with