What is vesico urachal diverticulum?
What is vesico urachal diverticulum?
Background. Vesicourachal diverticulum is the persistence of the vesical portion of the urachus, generally presenting incidentally. It might be present in association with other urologic anomalies. The urachusis is an embryonic structure that connects the anterosuperior bladder to the umbilicus.
What is the Embryonical function of the urachus?
The urachus is a fibrous cord arising from the early fetal anterior bladder wall to the allantois, extending cranially to the umbilicus [1]. In the first trimester of gestation, the role of the urachus is to facilitate the removal of the neonate’s nitrogenous waste through the placenta via the umbilical cord [1].
How is patent urachus diagnosed?
If There Is a Sinus (abnormal opening) But a few cases have an open pathway from the bladder to the belly button. This is called a patent urachus. This can be confirmed by testing urea and creatinine levels in the fluid. These levels would be high if the fluid was urine from a bladder connection.
Where does the urachus come from?
Embryologically, the majority of the urachus is derived from the bladder, and the proximal portion is formed from the allantoic duct. As the bladder descends into the pelvis, it retains its attachment to the umbilicus by the urachus. As the urachus develops, it loses its attachment to the umbilicus.
What is Urachal cyst?
A urachal cyst is a sac-like pocket of tissue that develops in the urachus, a primitive structure that connects the umbilical cord to the bladder in the developing baby. Although it normally disappears prior to birth, part of the urachus may remain in some people.
What is Urachal?
The urachus is a remnant of a channel between the bladder and the umbilicus (belly button) where urine initially drains in the fetus during the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
Does a Urachal cyst need to be removed?
In most cases, urachal cysts are not associated with any signs or symptoms unless there are complications such as infection. There are instances where urachal abnormalities resolve on their own. Because there is a small risk of urachal cancer , the entire urachus may be surgically removed.
Is Urachal cyst cancerous?
Yes, a urachal cyst can become urachal cancer , but this is a rare occurrence. One research study showed that urachal cancer was not found in any children with urachal cysts; however, 25% of adults with urachal cysts were found to have urachal cancer.
Does a urachal cyst need to be removed?
How common is patent Urachus?
Patent urachus is a rare disorder with an estimated prevalence of 1 to 2 cases per 100,000 deliveries. The urachus is the intra-abdominal remnant of the embryologic allantois, which is seen approximately 16 days after conception as a diverticulum from the caudal wall of the yolk sac.
Does everyone have a urachus?
This ligament runs from the belly button to the top of the bladder and is called the median umbilical ligament. Sometimes, there are tissue remnants of the urachus in adults (about 1/3 of adults have urachal tissue remnants).
Why is blood coming out of my navel?
Bleeding from your bellybutton can have several different causes. Three of the most likely causes are infection, a complication from portal hypertension, or primary umbilical endometriosis. Keep reading to learn more about bleeding from the bellybutton and what should do to treat it.
What kind of media can a URACA pump convey?
URACA high-pressure pumps convey all types of media that are in a fluid state of aggregation. These can be media such as water, oils or liquid gases such as CO2 and ammonia. Also suitable are the pumps for conveying oils with very high temperatures or abrasive media with high dirt and particle content such as coal mash or detergent slurry.
How big is the largest Uraca 5 plunger pump?
The largest five-plunger pumps to date achieve output levels of several megawatts and weigh around 40 tonnes. As a world-renowned manufacturer of high-pressure pumps, URACA provides solutions for many different industrial applications. The performance levels of the pumps vary to a large degree.
What causes an infection of the urachal remnant?
It is usually associated with an infection of the urachal remnant and confirmed at sinography (,,, Fig 5b ). In vesicourachal diverticulum, the urachus communicates only with the bladder dome. This condition results when the vesical end of the urachus fails to close.
Where does urachal remnant occur in the fetus?
A urachal remnant occurs in approximately 1 in 5000 patients. The urachus connects the dome of the bladder to the umbilical cord during fetal life and is located behind the lower anterior abdominal wall and anterior to the peritoneum in the space of Retzius.