What is the stabilization wedge approach?
What is the stabilization wedge approach?
The phrase ‘stabilisation wedges’ was coined in a paper in an academic journal in 2004. The theory claims that humanity already possesses the fundamental scientific, technical and industrial know-how to enable us to transition to a low carbon world.
What is the purpose of a stabilization wedge?
The “stabilization wedges” concept is a simple tool for convey- ing the emissions cuts that can be made to avoid dramatic cli- mate change. We consider two futures – allowing emissions to double versus keeping emissions at current levels for the next 50 years (Figure 3).
What was the main goal of the stabilization triangle?
The goal of the game is to build a plausible and politically acceptable portfolio of strate- gies to keep global carbon emissions flat for the next 50 years.
What are the stabilization wedges that could help flatten or reduce our co2 emissions?
What are the stabilization wedges that could help flatten or reduce our CO 2 emissions? -Energy conservation, and a switch to renewable fuels (vehicle fuel efficiency, relying less on vehicles, insulation, lighting, and appliances).
Where did the term stabilisation wedges come from?
PhysicistProfessors Robert Socolow and ecologistStephen Pacala, Co-Directors of The Carbon Mitigation Initiative at Princeton University have come up with a way to frame the challenge of global warming called ‘stabilisation wedges’. The phrase ‘stabilisation wedges’ was coined in a paper in an academic journal in 2004.
What is the difference between business as usual and the stabilization wedge?
2 are graphed for the next 50 years, the difference between the business as usual scenario and the flat path forms a triangle. This triangle is known as the stabilization triangle. Pacala and Socolow divided this hypothetical triangle into seven stabilization wedges, which represent different measures that must be taken to reduce emissions.
How many stabilization Wedges are needed to reduce emissions?
Pacala and Socolow divided this hypothetical triangle into seven stabilization wedges, which represent different measures that must be taken to reduce emissions. When speaking of different strategies to reduce emissions, the language “to reduce one wedge’s worth,” is often employed, and by reducing the stabilization wedge of fourteen gigatons of CO
Who is funding the climate stabilization wedge project?
Climate stabilization wedge. The Climate stabilization Wedges is an approach produced by Princeton University researchers looking at Climate change mitigation scenarios. The project was funded by Ford Motor Company between 2000 and 2009 and has been receiving funding from BP since 2000. 2 emissions.