
What is the Spanish Armada and why is it important?

What is the Spanish Armada and why is it important?

The Spanish Armada was an enormous 130-ship naval fleet dispatched by Spain in 1588 as part of a planned invasion of England. The defeat of the Spanish Armada led to a surge of national pride in England and was one of the most significant chapters of the Anglo-Spanish War.

What was the Spanish Armada and why did it fail?

In 1588, King Philip II of Spain sent an armada (a fleet of ships) to collect his army from the Netherlands, where they were fighting, and take them to invade England. However, an important reason why the English were able to defeat the Armada was that the wind blew the Spanish ships northwards.

What was the Spanish Armada and what was its plan?

The plan. Philip’s plan was that an armada of 130 ships would sail to the Netherlands, pick up 30,000 Spanish troops and invade England. However, the Armada was delayed by an English attack on Cadiz harbour in 1587 where Drake made off with gold treaures and destroyed over 100 Spanish ships.

What was the purpose of the Spanish Armada?

The Spanish Armada set sail from Spain in July 1588, with the mission of overthrowing the Protestant Queen Elizabeth I and restoring Catholic rule over England.

Why did Robert Hutchinson write the Spanish Armada?

Hutchinson attacks head on (pun intended) the topic of the Spanish Armada. Launched after several years of preparation in 1588, this venture of Philip II of Spain endeavored to end the reign of Elizabeth I of England and the nation’s Protestant faith.

Who is the author of the Spanish Armada?

The Spanish Armada by Robert Hutchinson is a fascinating look into the almost mythic story of Armada’s attempt to restore Catholicism to England. Hutchinson focuses his story on the intelligence gathering by both the Spanish and the English from the preparation of the Armada through to its ultimate failure.

How did the English win the Spanish Armada?

The victory of the English navy over the Spanish Armada in 1588 is one of those defining moments in our history, a shining example, so the story goes, of British pluck and determination to succeed against almost overwhelming odds. Well no, not really, says historian Robert Hutchinson in his revelatory new book.

How many ships were lost in the Spanish Armada?

In this tightly written and fascinating new history, Robert Hutchinson explodes this myth, revealing the true destroyers of the Spanish Armada—inclement weather and bad luck. Of the 125 Spanish ships that set sail against England, only 60 limped home, the rest wrecked or sank with barely a shot fired from their main armament.
