
What is the meaning of to run the gamut?

What is the meaning of to run the gamut?

: to encompass an entire range of something Her emotions ran the gamut from joy to despair.

Is run the gamut an idiom?

Meaning of Idiom ‘Run the Gamut’ To run the gamut means to extend over an entire range; to experience, display, or peform the complete rang of something; to included everything of a group or type. 1. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms.

What does the idiom run the gauntlet mean both literally and figuratively?

To run the gauntlet means to take part in a form of corporal punishment in which the party judged guilty is forced to run between two rows of soldiers, who strike out and attack them with sticks or other weapons. Metaphorically, this expression is also used to express the idea of a public trial that one must overcome.

What is the difference between Gambit and gamut?

gambit/ gamut A gambit is a kind of sacrifice, while a gamut is a range. To remember the difference, a gambit is like a tricky bet, and gamut has a “u” for run the gamut.

What does ape mean?

To ape someone is to imitate them, often in a mocking way. Most people don’t like being aped. To ape is to imitate, but it can mean a few different things. Another kind of aping is like a caricature — to ape in this way is a way of making fun or spoofing someone.

Is run the gauntlet real videos?

On Run The Gauntlet and on YouTube, users record themselves watching the videos in real time and upload their reactions—mostly squirming, cringing, and laughing in horror.

Why is it called run the gauntlet?

This term, dating from the first half of the 1600s, comes from the word gantlope, which itself comes from the Swedish word gatlopp, for “lane-course.” It referred to a form of military punishment where a man ran between two rows of soldiers who struck him with sticks or knotted ropes.

Is it run the gamut or run the gambit?

To “run a gamut” is to go through the whole scale or spectrum of something. To “run the gauntlet” (also gantlet) is to run between two lines of people who are trying to beat you. And don’t confuse “gamut” with “gambit,” a play in chess, and by extension, a tricky maneuver of any kind.

What is a gamut in chess?

Later, the word came to refer to other chess openings as well. The word gamut is most often used to mean “an entire range or series,” as in the sentence about the wide range of Harrys’ dancing skills.

Is Gorilla an ape?

The largest of the great apes, gorillas are stocky animals with broad chests and shoulders, large, human-like hands, and small eyes set into hairless faces. The two gorilla species live in equatorial Africa, separated by about 560 miles of Congo Basin forest. Each has a lowland and upland subspecies.

Does ape mean copy?

To ape is defined as to copy from someone or replicate their words, actions, behaviors or work. An example of the word ape is when singer Britney Spears accused Christina Aguilera of imitating her musical style.

Is the Gauntlet safe?

The Gauntlet can be found by entering the Gauntlet Portal, found in the north-western part of Prifddinas. It is a dangerous minigame, so hardcore ironmen will lose their hardcore status, and ultimate ironmen will lose items in instanced banks should they die in The Gauntlet.

Where does the phrase ” run the gamut ” come from?

Extend over an entire range, as in His music runs the gamut from rock to classical. This expression alludes to the medieval musical scale of Guido d’Arezzo, gamut being a contraction of gamma and ut, the lowest and highest notes respectively. [Mid-1800s] See also: gamut, run.

Which is the first note in the gamut?

Did You Know? To get the lowdown on gamut, we have to dive to the bottom of a musical scale developed by 11th-century musician and monk Guido of Arezzo. Guido called the first line of his bass staff gamma and the first note in his scale ut, which meant that gamma ut was the term for a note written on the first staff line.

Which is the best synonym for the word gamut?

Choose the Right Synonym for gamut. range, gamut, compass, sweep, scope, orbit mean the extent that lies within the powers of something (as to cover or control). range is a general term indicating the extent of one’s perception or the extent of powers, capacities, or possibilities.

What makes you want to look up gamut?

Middle English gamut, gamma-ut “lowest note in the medieval hexachord system, the system itself,” borrowed from Medieval Latin, from gamma gamma entry 1 (used as a symbol for the lowest note in the scale) + ut ut What made you want to look up gamut? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Love words?
