
What is the meaning of the phrase lest we forget?

What is the meaning of the phrase lest we forget?

formal + literary. : it should not be forgotten She’s a talented singer and, lest we forget, a fine musician as well.

Where does the phrase lest we forget come from?

The phrase “lest we forget” comes from “Recessional” by Rudyard Kipling, which is often sung as a hymn during Anzac ceremonies in New Zealand and Australia. “Recessional” was written at a time when the British Empire was at its zenith.

How do you use lest we forget?

lest we forget in a sentence

  1. Lest we forget, this is only the start and not the end.
  2. Lest we forget, he won 67 percent of his games at Georgia.
  3. Think of it as a tribute that cries : Lest we forget.
  4. Lest We Forget : The Passage From Africa to Slavery and Emancipation.

What is the importance of the poppy and lest we forget?

Lest we forget the importance of the day, why the 11th of November is the most important day and the significance of wearing a poppy so we never forget the sacrifices made, the lives lost and also for the people who returned from war alive but utterly broken.

What does Rudyard Kipling mean by ” Lest we Forget “?

If the men are drunk with power and start speaking rashly and wildly without heeding God, such as the Gentiles or other base breeds do, then again, the speaker implores, “Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, / Lest we forget –lest we forget!” The “heathen heart” will trust in the instruments of war, but it is only like dust falling upon dust.

Where did the phrase Lest we Forget come from?

“Lest we forget” is a phrase commonly used in war remembrance services and commemorative occasions in English speaking countries. Before the term was used in reference to soldiers and war, it was first used in an 1897 Christian poem written by Rudyard Kipling called “Recessional”.

What is the meaning of the poem Recessional by Rudyard Kipling?

Rudyard Kipling: Poems Summary and Analysis of “Recessional”. Summary. The speaker calls out to God, the Lord of their battle-line under whose hand they hold power over the land. He calls for the “Lord God of Hosts” to be with them “lest they forget”.

Why is the poem Lest we Forget called Recessional?

“The title and its allusion to an end rather than a beginning add solemnity and gravitas to Kipling’s message.” In the poem, Kipling argues that boasting and jingoism, faults of which he was often accused, were inappropriate and vain in light of the permanence of God. Lest we forget—lest we forget! An humble and a contrite heart.