
What is the meaning of blocus?

What is the meaning of blocus?

Blocus translates to ‘blockade’, and is an old war concept where military would block strategic entries or passage points in order to weaken the enemy by cutting off resources such as food or arms. Bloquer quelque chose means ‘to block something’.

What does a nouveau mean?

: newly arrived or developed.

What is the difference between Nouveau and Nouvel?

Nouveau is a bit special since it has two forms in the masculine: it becomes nouvel in front of a singular masculine noun that begins with a vowel or a mute h. It becomes nouvelle in the feminine. Nouvelle just takes an s in the plural, but nouvel and nouveau both become nouveaux (with an x) in the plural.

What is the feminine form of Nouveau?


‘new’ Masculine Feminine
(before consonant)
Singular nouveau nouvelle
Plural nouveaux nouvelles

What is the feminine of Nouveau?

Before we talk about the trick to distinguishing between neuf and nouveau, we should point out the feminine forms, which are irregular, of each adjective: the feminine of neuf is neuve, and the feminine of nouveau is nouvelle (though nouvel is used as the masculine form before words beginning with vowels or the silent …

What is the opposite of Nouveau in French?

The opposite of nouveau is ancien (former).

What’s the difference between Nouvel and nouveau?

What is the feminine word for intelligent?

intelligente intelligentes
In English, an adjective usually comes before the noun it modifies and it does not change. In French, an adjective is usually placed after the noun it modifies and must agree in gender and number with the noun….General Rules.

Gender Singular Plural
Masculine intelligent intelligents
Feminine intelligente intelligentes

What is the feminine form of Brun?


number feminine masculine
plural bruns
singular brune brun

What is the feminine version of laid in French?

Meanings of “feminine form of laid” in French English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

Category French
1 Common laide [adj]

Who was Jacques Decour and what did he do?

Jacques Decour, real name Daniel Decourdemanche (born 21 February 1910 in Paris, died 30 May 1942 in Fort Mont-Valérien ), was a French writer and resistant, killed by the Nazis . Jacques Decour studied at the Lycée Carnot in Paris and the Lycée Pasteur in Neuilly-sur-Seine.

Where was Jacques Decour’s tomb in Paris located?

Jacques Decour’s tomb at Montmartre Cemetery in Paris Jacques Decour, real name Daniel Decourdemanche (born 21 February 1910 in Paris, died 30 May 1942 in Fort Mont-Valérien), was a French writer and resistant, killed by the Nazis.

What was Art Deco and what was it associated with?

Art Deco was associated with both luxury and modernity; it combined very expensive materials and exquisite craftsmanship put into modernistic forms. Nothing was cheap about Art Deco: pieces of furniture included ivory and silver inlays, and pieces of Art Deco jewelry combined diamonds with platinum, jade,…

How to reject a blocus entry in Reverso?

blocus n. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. It’s easy and only takes a few seconds n. n. nm. v. v. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries…) To add entries to your own vocabulary, become a member of Reverso community or login if you are already a member.