
What is the literacy rate of Pakistan and India?

What is the literacy rate of Pakistan and India?

Despite the huge population, India’s literacy is much better compared to Pakistan and India is miles ahead of Pakistan because of the wide gap difference of literacy rate. India’s literacy rate is more than 74% and that of Pakistan is 58%.

Is Pak richer than India?

As of 2020, With $2,709 bn, India’s GDP is around ten times higher than Pakistan’s gdp of $263 bn. Both countries have been neck-to-neck in gdp per capita terms. From 1960 to 2006, India was richer than Pakistan for only five years. GDP per capita of Pakistan was 1.54x of India in 1970.

What is the percentage of education in India 2020?

India’s literacy rate is at 75%.

What are the statistics of Education in Pakistan?

PAKISTAN EDUCATION STATISTICS 2016 -17 PAKISTAN EDUCATION STATISTICS 2016 -17 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 25th Annual Publication since 1992-93 Pakistan Education Statistics 2016-17

How are education policies in India and Pakistan?

India and Pakistan’s new education policies will push their respective religious minorities into a corner All education policies are cooking recipes; the final product depends upon ingredients. NEP hints at, but leaves unspecified, what textbooks will contain.

How many students does Pakistan send to the US?

In the U.S., likewise, Pakistani enrollments have generally been on an upward trajectory over the past few years. According to the Open Doors data of the Institute of International Education, Pakistan sent 7,957 students to the U.S. in 2018/19, an increase of 5.6 percent over the previous year, making it the 22nd most important sending country.

Are there any statistics about education in India?

Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced in the text. In the following 7 chapters, you will quickly find the {amountStatistics} most important statistics relating to “Education in India”.
