
What is the Faces Pain Scale system?

What is the Faces Pain Scale system?

The Faces Pain Scale – Revised [1] (FPS-R) is a self-report measure of pain intensity developed for children. It was adapted from the Faces Pain Scale [2] to make it possible to score the sensation of pain on the widely accepted 0-to-10 metric.

When do you use faces pain scale?

~3-7 years old: Faces Pain Scale – Revised (FPS-R) In the child who is developmentally able, self-report is the gold standard. Fortunately, instruments exist for children ~3-7 years old to aid in their self-report. Many readers are probably familiar with the Wong-Baker FACES scale (Wong-Baker, shown).

What is a VAS pain score?

The visual analog scale (VAS) is a tool widely used to measure pain. A patient is asked to indicate his/her perceived pain intensity (most commonly) along a 100 mm horizontal line, and this rating is then measured from the left edge (=VAS score).

What are the Faces Scale for pain?

The Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) is a scale used for a self-report measure of pain intensity. This scale was developed for children and has been adapted from the Faces Pain Scale. It can also be used in adult people who are unable to use a numerical rating scale like visual analog scale.

What are the different types of pain scales?

Types of pain rating scales include verbal scales, numerical scales, and visual analogue scales. Verbal rating scales consist of a series of words commonly used to describe pain (e.g., no pain, mild pain, moderate pain, severe pain).

What is a face pain scale?

The Faces Pain Scale – Revised [1] (FPS-R) is a self-report measure of pain intensity developed for children. It was adapted from the Faces Pain Scale [2] to make it possible to score the sensation of pain on the widely accepted 0-to-10 metric.

What is numerical pain rating scale?

The Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) is a subjective measure in which individuals rate their pain on an eleven-point numerical scale. The scale is composed of 0 (no pain at all) to 10 (worst imaginable pain).