
What is the difference between 6005 and 6005A?

What is the difference between 6005 and 6005A?

The main difference between the two alloys is that 6005 has a higher minimum composition percentage of aluminium than 6005A (while having essentially the same maximum). The most common forming method is extrusion. It can also be forged or rolled, but as a wrought alloy it is not used in casting.

What is 6005 Aluminium alloy used for?

Alloy 6005A can be used to produce standard and custom shape extrusions that are solid (open) or hollow in design. As a medium strength aluminum alloy, 6005A-T61 temper has mechanical property levels similar to 6061-T6, 6005-T5, and 6105-T5.

What is the strongest aluminium?

5052 aluminum
5052 aluminum is the highest strength alloy of the more non-heat-treatable grades. Its resistance to fatigue is better than most grades of aluminum. Alloy 5052 has a good marine atmosphere corrosion resistance of saltwater and excellent workability.

What’s the difference between 6005 and 6005A aluminium?

It is closely related, but not identical, to 6005 aluminium alloy. Between those two alloys, 6005A is more heavily alloyed, but the difference does not make a marked impact on material properties. It can be formed by extrusion, forging or rolling, but as a wrought alloy it is not used in casting.

What kind of alloy is en Aw 6005A?

ALLOY DATA SHEET EN-AW 6005A[AlSiMg(A)] (Type: Medium strength extrusion alloy) The alloy EN AW-6005A is a general purpose extrusion alloy, suitable for structural products where medium strength properties are required. Typical application fields are ladders, train- and truckbuilding, marine constructions, off shore applications, etc.

What kind of wire to use for aluminium 6005?

The weldability of 6005/6005A is excellent. 4043 welding wire is recommended unless joining to one of the 7XXX series. In this case 5356 wire is the suggested alternative. Table 4. Fabrication response for aluminium alloy 6005 As 6005/6005A is usually supplied in tube or extruded form. Its’ most common temper is T5.

What is the maximum tensile strength of 6005 aluminum?

Young’s modulus: 69 GPa, or 10 Msi. Ultimate tensile strength: 190 to 300 MPa, or 28 to 44 ksi. Yield strength: 100 to 260 MPa, or 15 to 38 ksi. ^ a b c 6005 (AlSiMg, A96005) Aluminum. Retrieved on 2014-12-26.