What is the dictionary definition of tutoring?
What is the dictionary definition of tutoring?
British Dictionary definitions for tutor tutor. / (ˈtjuːtə) / noun. a teacher, usually instructing individual pupils and often engaged privately. (at universities, colleges, etc) a member of staff responsible for the teaching and supervision of a certain number of students.
What is E tutor?
E-tutoring can be defined as teaching, support, management and assessment of students on programmes of study that involve a significant use of online technologies (TechLearn, 2000). This guidance note is aimed at teaching staff involved in designing and delivering online learning.
What is a person who is being tutored called?
tutee. (tjuːˈtiː) n. (Education) a person who is tutored, esp in a university.
What is the base word for tutor?
The word tutor comes via Old French from the Latin ‘tutor’, meaning a guardian or watcher, from the root ‘tueri’ which means ‘to watch over’. ‘Tueri’ may derive from the Sanskrit word, ‘tavas’, which translates as strength, so the etymology clearly shows the term’s association with the idea of protection.
What are the roles of an e Tutor?
E-tutor ing covers a wide range of roles, which Berge (1995) has categorized into four main areas: pedagogical, social, managerial, and technical. Learn more in: E-Tutor
What does it mean to be a tutor?
a teacher of academic rank lower than instructor in some American universities and colleges. a teacher without institutional connection who assists students in preparing for examinations. (especially at Oxford and Cambridge) a university officer, usually a fellow, responsible for teaching and supervising a number of undergraduates.
Do you need Internet connection to use etutor?
With the eTutor mobile app you can learn English or German faster and enjoy it! It only takes 15 minutes a day and an Internet connection to learn useful vocabulary and grammar! You need to be a registered user of eTutor.pl to use this app and subscribe to one of our courses.
Who is a language tutor in the UK?
— Scott Sonner, Star Tribune, 7 May 2021 Now Park, a language tutor, is looking to make democratic history in the U.K. as a candidate for Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party to represent her community as a local councillor.