What is the definition of stouthearted?
What is the definition of stouthearted?
: having a stout heart or spirit: a : courageous. b : stubborn.
What is the synonym of word capability?
ability, capacity, power, potential, potentiality. competence, proficiency, accomplishment, adeptness, aptitude, aptness, faculty, experience, skill, skilfulness, talent, flair. cleverness, intelligence. gift, strong point, forte, knack.
What is another word for calculable?
In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for calculable, like: ascertainable, foreseeable, measurable, predictable, accountable, reckonable, discoverable, estimable, computable, countable and incalculable.
What does the word mettlesome mean?
mettlesome \MET-ul-sum\ adjective. : full of vigor and stamina : spirited.
What does the word unfaltering mean?
: not wavering or weakening : firm unfaltering loyalty.
What are the capabilities?
The capabilities that have been identified are:
- literacy.
- numeracy.
- information and communication technology capability.
- critical and creative thinking.
- personal and social capability.
- ethical understanding.
- intercultural understanding.
What is the antonym of measurable?
Antonyms: immeasurable, immensurable, unmeasured, measureless, limitless, unimportant, illimitable, unmeasurable, abysmal. Synonyms: mensurable, mensural, measured.
What does the word Nescience mean?
: lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance.
What is industriousness?
Definition of industrious 1 : constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied : diligent an industrious worker. 2 obsolete : skillful, ingenious. Other Words from industrious Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More About industrious.
Is unfettered a word?
The adjective unfettered describes something or someone uninhibited and unrestrained. Un- means “not,” so originally the word literally meant “not chained or shackled.” Today there isn’t much real shackling going on, so the adjective unfettered mainly describes something that is free or unrestrained.
What does the name Stouthearted mean?
adjective. Courageous or determined. ‘he was a stouthearted, even an obstinate man’. More example sentences. ‘we were both enthusiastic, resolute, and, in our unequal ways, stouthearted’.
What does stout hearted mean?
Stout-hearted is an old English expression used to describe someone who is courageous, or brave-hearted. You may have heard the adage “be of stout heart.” Stout-heartedness is a requisite part of being the kind of company that we aim to be. I founded Stout Heart in 2015,…
What does stoutheartedness mean?
stoutheartedness – the trait of having a courageous spirit. braveness, bravery, courage, courageousness – a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear. faintheartedness, faintness – the trait of lacking boldness and courage; “faintness of heart and infirmity of purpose”.
What does Stout Heart mean?
a stout heart. Courage, nerves, determination, or resolve, especially in the face of adversity or hardship. Our team showed a stout heart last night, never giving in to the notion that our opponents couldn’t be beaten.