
What is the Certificate of Need process?

What is the Certificate of Need process?

Certificate of Need (CON) laws are state regulatory mechanisms for establishing or expanding health care facilities and services in a given area. In a state with a CON program, a state health planning agency must approve major capital expenditures for certain health care facilities.

Does Texas have a certificate of need law?

Minnesota has ambulance CON requirements and caps on services and facilities. Eleven states have no CON laws or caps: California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming (see the accompanying chart).

How many states have CON laws?

35 states
Today, 35 states have formal CON programs. Proponents of the laws argue CONs protect rural hospitals and keep charitable care programs afloat by restricting competition.

What is a hospital certificate?

It is the registration form that doctors, midwives, or hospital representatives fill out when a child is born. This form certifies that a child was born medically alive and is submitted to the vital records office. The birth certificate is then issued to the parents by the department of health and vital statistics.

What is the primary purpose of certificate of need statutes?

What is the primary purpose of certificate-of-need statues? To control capital expenditures by health facilities.

Is Texas A con State?

In 1987, the federal government repealed the CON mandate, and throughout the 1980s, states began retiring their CON programs. By 1990, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming (a total of 12 states) repealed their CON programs.

Is Florida a con State?

These changes in the CON legislation are part of a shift currently taking place in many states across the country. Once HB 21 was approved, Florida became the fifth state in which the Certificate of Need program was limited.

Was Certificate of Need successful in limiting hospital expenditures?

It is clear that Certificate of Need has failed to meaningfully contain costs, the original justification for the program. However, the program has proved nearly impossible to dislodge in the 36 states that have kept the process.

Is certificate of live birth sufficient for a passport?

All certificates of live birth that meet the U.S. State Department requirements for a certified birth certificate are accepted as proof of citizenship. The birth certificate must have been filed within one year of the individual’s birth to be accepted for a passport application.

What’s the difference between a birth certificate and a certificate of birth?

The certificate of live birth simply verifies that you are medically alive, whereas the birth certificate verifies who you are, who your parents are, where you were born, and your date of birth. Without your birth certificate, you cannot prove who you are. This can cause many problems for yourself.

What is a certificate of need ( CON ) law?

The act withheld federal funds from states that failed to adopt certificate-of-need (CON) laws regulating healthcare facilities. CON laws require healthcare providers wishing to open or expand a healthcare facility to first prove to a regulatory body that the community needs the planned services.

What happens when you have a certificate of need?

In particular, they find that deaths from treatable complications following surgery and mortality rates from heart failure, pneumonia, and heart attacks are all significantly higher among hospitals in CON states than in non-CON states.

How long does it take to get a certificate of need?

CON programs limit the introduction and expansion of a wide variety of medical services and equipment, such as rehabilitation centers, nursing home beds, and medical imaging technologies. The process for obtaining a CON can take years and tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

When was the first certificate of need created?

New York had enacted the first CON program in 1964, a full decade before the federal government began encouraging other states to follow suit, and by the early 1980s every state except Louisiana had implemented some version of a CON program.
